Hi Piersdad, Its nice to meet another EV pioneer. Yes, the EVette steers electronically from the rear wheels, and the car is computer friendly, experiments have shown, it can be driven autonomous. Also, I do have back up steering, and its fun to drive.
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
from th vidio it seems the rear whels are independantly powered and the front wheel is just a caster type.
really just a grown up wheel chair.
gives real potential for stream lining and accessarys.
but would never get past the safety checks fo rmas production etc
for any speed above 10 km the front wheel would have to be locked into a steering capable way, or have you done this
ie steer front at speed but unlock front steering wheel to steer in donut.
i watched a doco on chryslers new hybrid car being readied for mass production.
the lack of innovation on it absolutly astounded me.
talk about lineal thinking.
the batteries are in such a place that they would need a $200+ service fee just to remove them.
Hi Piersdad, The EVette is licensed as a motorcycle in the state of Florida, inspection and insurance are not required here for motorcycles. The maneuverability of the EVette is exceptional too, it makes the conventional car look like a dinosaur.
Tom Sines:D
that explains a lot
i see local tricycles here powered by 3 ltr v 8’s and not subject to the local safety restrictions yet capable of 150 mph.(no seat belt etc)
how ever they do not seem to be in the acidents so it is more likley the owners are responsible drivers.
Hi Piersdad, I`ve always thought driving with a joystick was more fun, than a steering wheel. What do you think?
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
sadly th joystick is asociated with the unsettling feeling if you ever drive a 2 wheel drive electric wheel chair.
so the joystick has to have the same feel as the self steering of the ackeman steering of a convential car where you can, have a shave or answer your phone, while cruising along a highway with confidence that the car with proper adjustment does not veer unless the camber of the road changes.
with out some sort of positive feed back to the joy stick the system could be not accepted.
joystick on an aircraft or boat is acepted, the highway there is wide.
but where the steering has, in many daily cases, to be accurate in inches
you have to have absolute confidence that the battery supply-wiring etc does not fail at that instance
however if you have a convential steering with 2 hands on wheel and a push button that takes over the steering to give the donut type steering that your concept gives,then you have some thing there.
what a thrill to be able to park in a small space.
however imagine if you have parked with just 6 inches between the other cars then you are sure to get a dent in yours when the other motorists try to get their cars out.
in the design team of the Morris Mini car was a friend of mine. He was asked by Issigonis the leader to try the use of ABS braking on the new car design.
so he got a everyday commutor person to drive a ABS equipped car (yes the system is that old)
.how ever the customer said "wow i could brake on a corner"
ok how about the person following you in a car that cant stop as well and they would ether spin out or hit the car in front.
so that why the famous morris mini car did not get ABS braking way back then.
so if your system has some thing that can cause concern to other motorists then it is doomed to be banned or some thing.
Hi Piersdad, Airplanes have been flying by wire for years, people need to “grow a set”. Also, steering by wire saves a lot of weight, No front wheels, no rims, no front suspension and springs, no tie rods,no power steering, and of course no steering wheel. Thats a lot of weight saved for extra batteries.
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
true i can imagine the saving of weight in an aeroplane.
my own design from 30 years ago is still waiting for the ev designers to wake up and produce some thing that is practical instead of what the public thinks they want.
try to convince the general public that a car that is used only in the city and can do 60 km/h will do 90% of their travel.(and a family car in th garage)
no they want a 200 km/h car with a local speed limit of 100km/h
or a 4wd where there is no mud for 100 miles .
most concept EVs i see are super streamlined and you have to be a snake to crawl into them.
and up to 50 km/h(30 mph) aerodynamics are a small part of the equation
bettter to reduce weight and use crushable light weight body parts to make crashes safe for the occupants.
i used foan filled aerodynamic front bumpers to adsorbe impact in the event of a accident
Hi Piersdad, Here is where it always goes south. I dont think conventional cars make good electric cars, they can
t hold enough batteries to get the distance. An electric car should be built around the batteries, not make the batteries fit the car.
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
Hi, Driving the electric EVette is so much fun, I can hardly stand it. No more gas, no more noisy engine, turns on a dime, no more steering wheel, and it only costs pennys to drive to the local store.
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
Hi, People think the steering wheel is a necessary thing they must contend with. Sliding in and out from behind it, hoping it doesn`t crush your chest in a crash. Well , guess what joystick steering, no steering wheel is the way to go. To see a video of an electric car drive with a joystick, go to Electric EVette
Tom Sines:D
yes lots of advantage it allows a crushable dash pad with any instruments well padded .
as well.
made a similar thing on a gocart size but with out any front and th efling of bein at risk with out somthing solid to hold on to.
with seat belts etc ok but still a phycological thing that would put public off
Hi Piersdad, I have great admiration Henry Ford, when he drove his first car around town, Im sure people in horse and buggys said it was to dangerous, but now you don
t see many horse and buggys do you? He was able to build a car so cheap, and so useful, you couldn`t afford not to own one.
Tom Sines
Electric EVette
Hi, Distance is not a problem for the electric EVette, it can hold a lot of batteries, and the car is very light weight. Yet, as the world circles the drain of transportation, I can`t even get arrested. Oh well, nothing new.
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
I can`t even get arrested
LOL years ago i ran out of power on a harbour bridge and had to be towed by the bridge security .
huge fine for cars that break down or run out of gass on the bridge
asked the security how much i owed and they said
“well you did not run out of petrol did you”
so i got off
they were more interested in the car ,30 years ago that was
Hi Piersdad, Yes, people like electric cars, they will like them even more as the price of gas goes up. Here in Florida the price is $3.15 a gallon, how much is gas where your at?
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
gas here is NZ$2 a litre about $8 a gallon about a we bit more than yours when compare economies.
the tipping point in 1980 was the same price but inflation has made the tipping point about twice this cost.
i remember V8 cars could only sell if they had a full gas tank and then the older ones – their purchase price nearly equalled a couple of tanks of gass
thats when i pioneered th electric NEEV truck
but the cost of gas then dropped and i went broke never to recover again.
(still paying a morgage when i had a free hold house then)
from energy and capital
Oil was so important to the strength of a nations economy that it was the united states final plan of attack to crush the soviets.
Russian economy depended on oil and weapons to anti western countries.
High oil prices from OPEC kept exports to Europe and other countries profitable and allowed Iraq, Iran, and Syria to purchase advanced soviet weapons and those countries had been threatening Saudi Arabia for years.
The idea was to bankrupt the Soviet Union by having Saudi dropping their oil prices far below the soviet could afford to sell for. Killing the giant communist income.
In short the U S taught the Saudis how to cook the books and how to make their supplies look larger than they were.
And thus keep prices low.
1985 the oil was $26.46 and 1986 plummeted to $10.25
full story here
is this the real reason for the drop in petrol prices in the early 1980s
Hi Piersdad, I see you know your history. God made the oil, but he`s not making any more of it. Electric is the way to go now. Also, if a 2,000lbs vehicle with 1,000lbs of batteries(3,000lbs total) will go 100mi. then a 1,000lbs vehicle with 2,000lbs of batteries(3,000lbs total) will go 200mi. Does this make sense to you?
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette
the efficiency of carrying battery weight for the sake of carrying batteries clicks in at 50/50%
this changes with the lighter batteries but 1/3 weight of batteries is a general rule not to exceed.
my own conzept car had 300 lbs batteries 300 lbs passengers and the car weighed 300 lbs approx
Hi Piersdad, I agree, conventional electric cars , shouldn`t have more than 1/3 their weight in batteries. However, the electric EVette is not a conventional electric car. So, let me repeat my question. If a 2,000lbs vehicle with 1,000lbs of batteries(3,000lbs total) will go 100mi. ,then 1,000lbs vehicle with 2,000lbs of batteries (3,000lbs total) will go 200mi. Do you agree?
Tom Sines:D
Electric EVette