They don’t trigger, as such, it adjust the charging algorithm according to temperature.
I disconnected the sensor on mine to see what it does. Unfortunately, charger isn’t working. I suspect, it’s because I added a non Gem profile, and DQ doesn’t like it.
Same profile #8 works perfectly with my AGMs in another charger.
Count the blinks when charger is first powered. Not connected to battery.
After a start up sequence, an led will blink code for 11 seconds.
Such as ooo-oo-ooo-oo for #32
Not all chargers and profiles work the same.
I’m just starting to learn about how they work. That’s why I’m so interested in your problem. I’m having some unexpected issues myself.
Ill get back to it in a day or so. Im taking advantage of the mild weather and putting in new windows and siding my garage. That just leaves me with a little time after dark to play with the GEMs. I did notice the early flashes that you are talking about when I had the batteries disconnected. It seems like it repeated 4 flashes, but Im not positive on that.
[quote=Inwo;33736]Count the blinks when charger is first powered. Not connected to battery.
After a start up sequence, an led will blink code for 11 seconds.
Such as ooo-oo-ooo-oo for #32
Not all chargers and profiles work the same.
I’m just starting to learn about how they work. That’s why I’m so interested in your problem. I’m having some unexpected issues myself.[/quote]
I appreciate you hangin in there with me. I’m a retired electrician and like trouble shooting electrical problems, but The GEM is like a foreign car to me: I need all the information that I can get.
I didn’t want to muddy the waters, but I also have a 2003 GEM with a Zivan charger. Could I run a set of jumper cables from the Zivan to the batteries on the 2000 GEM (with the DQ charger) for testing purposes?
I didn’t want to muddy the waters, but I also have a 2003 GEM with a Zivan charger. Could I run a set of jumper cables from the Zivan to the batteries on the 2000 GEM (with the DQ charger) for testing purposes?[/quote]
I don’t know what that would tell you.
At this point, if you connect DQ to battery bank and it error 6, it must be bad.
Send it to me and I’ll check it here. Fix it if it needs it and I can. Or send it back, or to Rodney for rebuild.
Or I can send you a working one. With deposit. Work something out when we figure it out. I have a few extra, and a source for more. I’m trying to hack them. Factory won’t help at all!
Learned a little more with this one.
Soft start circuit is burned out because start relay failed.
Has to be completely disassembled to replace mother board parts.
Also, it needs sensor connected to work when on #13. It does not work when jumpered.
See if it’s about 12k at room temp.
I’ve been away for the Holidays. Are you telling me that the mother board needs replaced or can it be fixed. Is it something that you can do? cost? I will check the sensor tomorrow.
No charge if I can’t repair.
If it takes more parts or research, might be a little more.
I can only replace parts. For warranty and rebuild go with Rodney’s plan.
David, I am sorry as I did not see where you had replied to my last message. Thanks by the way. Anyway, here is my issue or I should say still my issue. My Quig just stopped working. There are no LED lights lighting up at all on the charger. There is electric current going into charger. So anyway, from advise from another Gem car guy, I shipped my charger off to a Monster Cart company that rebuilds them. 1st they sent the wrong charger back, or at least it did not have the same connections that mine had on it. Contacted them of course, and they claim they stayed up until 3 am to get mine done and sent it back to me. I do know for sure this is my original charger I sent because I made a couple markings. Anyway, I just put back on cart, and the charger is doing the same thing it was doing before I sent out. NO LED LIGHTS ARE WORKING ON CHARGER AT ALL.
so $500.00 later, I now have 2 chargers that dont work. I will of course will call and chat with them when they open on west coast but was just curious if you had experienced this before? On a scale of 1-10, Im probably a 5 on being a mechanic on this type of stuff. I own a couple other gold carts ( Club Cars ) but this gem car has been a real pain. Also replaced the controller board a month ago. Sorry for being long winded, any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure what I can do for you now. I have a charger I could sell you or repair yours.
You should have tested before installing. Just plug it in and lights will blink.
If you have problems in the Gem it might blow output fuse. It will still light up and blink error code.
What connections does yours have? I should have one here.
Thanks Dave. I really appreciate your reply. I’m actually going to face time with the IT guy from Monster Cart to see if we can trouble shoot. He claims mine had lots of corrosion in it. I live here in the Keys and that is a problem. But he claims it was working when it left the shop. I had not put the dash back in, so it wasn’t that big of deal to install and uninstall. That’s one thing I am getting good at.
I agree. When I plug in, I’m getting no led lights on charger but it does have current going in
I may take you up on sending to you if I strike out on this try.