That’s oem, not mine.
We have Sevcon replacement, but switches, for/rev, etc need to be rewired.
I have a pallet of those controllers and sw, but as Mike mentioned, we don’t know how to program them.
ASre you interested in flipping it?
I would love to mess with one but I im frying a lot of fishes at the same time. maybe in the future
I have 2013 Anvil with the OEM controller that needs replaced. Where can I get the Sevcon controller to replace it? I am in Ohio. Is there anyone close experienced replacing them? Thank you.
I needs to be rewired or use a prptitary pcb that we use to correct input polarity.
If you can talk @MikeKC into it, he can build a harness
Same as our Classic Gem conversions.
Only difference being not plug and play.
I can tell you, having done them before, how to find the correct wires at the anvil controller.
Cost will be be about $2500 for the kit.
I could build the harness with @Inwo assistance.
It would be best for me to have the car here (Kansas City) to build, install and test. I don’t know how comfortable I am trying to do this remotely or troubleshoot over messaging or the phone.
I agree. For diy, the client needs to identify forward reverse wires that are active high.
Pin 1. A wire with battery volts from key.
And the throttle wires, hardest part, without us having the car.
There need to be 5 wires. Two from a switch, and 3 from a pot.
I think that I can help identify them before the old controller is removed.
Worse case, we supply throttle. A shame because the Anvil throttle is correct type.
It’s been so long that I doubt there are notes.
@MikeKC , easy if you have the car. All the wires are in place. Even all motor wires and mc part of the harness.
Room for s6 or s4.
Price was just a wild ass guess.
I would need some pretty good feedback from a technician before helping a diy.
On the plus side it uses our favorite motor and is a 72v car.