T3 programing question

When I hook up my programmer it says
Controller type sxt65150b would this make it a t1?

Do you have an LX programmer or Sentry? I dont remember which Sentry programs go with which controller.

What year is your cart. 2000 2001 T1 2002-2004 T2 2005 T3 2006 up T4

The last 2 figures on the model tag on the base of the controller will identify it as a T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

In a message dated 9/3/2019 2:56:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, electricforum@discoursemail.com writes:

Gem is 2005 but I can’t read the tag on the refurbished fsip and I have sentry

On sentry it says
Control type: SXT65150B
Software id: GL
Extended revision Id: 8K

You have a T3

In a message dated 9/3/2019 3:58:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, electricforum@discoursemail.com writes:

For a T3 you need this software package http://www.forklift-electronics.com/GEMT3.html

In a message dated 9/3/2019 3:58:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, electricforum@discoursemail.com writes:

I have the T4/T5 program. INWO may have the T3 it’s a separate stand alone program

In a message dated 9/3/2019 3:58:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, electricforum@discoursemail.com writes:

See the number for controller on top left it’s the same as mine except the last letter
@Old_Houseboater @Inwo

I have the t3 file

Go here


Go to page 30 for setup instructions,

Note you can put any number in a “NOT USED” function and it will have no affect. #7 is not used on a T3

Also note the function the # refers to may NOT be the same for all model controllers.

You cannot program a T3 with a T4/T5 software program

In a message dated 9/3/2019 5:52:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, electricforum@discoursemail.com writes:

Save the T3 file with the T3 definitions.

I sent you the t3 file I have

Yes, I have it. I’m suggesting that you try to save the settings as 353T3 rather than STX65150b.
I can do it here, but I have to dig out the T3 again.

So use the item number and forget the description?!? I will do that

You can if you want.

  1. Click save
  2. Type in the name you want to save it as
  3. Then select 353T3 from the drop down control type menu

Problem fixed thank you this was driving me crazy lol now to get the most speed out of it got programmer and MM

Let me know if you need to lower the field current for more speed. It should be easy in theory, but I never ran a T3 to know if it made a difference.
One way is a hardware change in the controller, and the classic way is to shunt the field.
With the same current being delivered by the controller, some of it can be bypassed through a shunt resistor.

Here is my setting in my t3 stock 12” wheels 5hp motor, 27s lifepo, MM
29mph so far gps speed

what does your speedo say ?

Wayyy off lol I didn’t even look at it I guess I should off now that I think of it

Set to kph and adjust to correct speed with MM.