Not sure which direction to go

Check to see if your Gem has any open recalls on it. I have a 2002 4 passenger and I had one recall that rebuilt my charging system

Yep, $1500 something + tax. A set of the infamous 60Ah green lfp cells cost about the same.

My solution at the time… I bought a different gem (the '10 el) that had lithium already.

I love the idea of @Inwo drop in lithium batteries. I’ve seen a few of his other threads. I’ll have to wait and see what our usage and expectations are. I ve already driven it in the snow and it did ok just not practical🤦🏼‍♂️ Here in New England. Who knows with gas prices maybe electric is not such a bad idea

nothing political here :rofl:

Finally got my charger. Which wire do I connect to the new interlock wire? green or red? Or both

Above someone said to connect the 2 wires together on the cart to bypass. I was hoping this would work for safety reasons

Did you follow the green wire? Doesn’t it go to B- connection??? The Zivan charger just had a relay in it which was NC(Normally Closed) and opened up when charging. What that means is when it was not charging, the red wire was connected(electrically) to the green wire.

So if your original green wire does go to B-, you need to verify that the new charger’s green wire operated the same as the Zivan relay with the original green connected to it. If it does then the red wire connects to the new charger green wire and you can just roll up and tape up the original green wire.

Quick answer- No, your present interlock will not work.

If you measure the green wire coming out of the charger you will find it is outputting B+ (With your other meter lead on B-).

If you meter the red or green lead (I forget which at the moment) one will be B- (as dougl stated) or if your car has the wiring update installed it will be a +12v wire (ref gnd).

In either case, neither wire is appropriate to hook to that green wire coming out of the DQ charger. That tag on that DQ wire is there so you don’t blow up your charger. Leave it alone for now.

There are some things you can do to get the interlock back working, but for now, just hook the red/green wires from the car together to get your car working and remember to unplug your car before driving away.

Did you ask here before buying and possibly over paying for wrong charger?
I did not read the whole thread.
Forum can offer better assistance before problems are made worse. Sorry if i missed something.:flushed:

This is interesting, I have seen more and more DQ chargers coming with the interlock disabled.
Are they trying to save a few buck on a relay?