Magic Magnet review thread "price increase"

If it is a sepex motor with a three wire speed sensor it should work.

David has a R4F motor I believe

25 posts were split to a new topic: E Tuk continued from MM thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: E Tuk continued from MM thread

Hi, I’m about to install the MM I bought from you a few weeks back - how do I change from MPH to KPH in a 2002 Gem please? Any hints appreciated.

I’m not sure you can, short of reprogramming the controller. 2005 + you just press a button.
In lieu of that the MM can be set to read 1/2 actual speed or -10, etc.

Ok got it - do you happen to have instructions on how to set the MM? Sounds like that will be simplest.

All switches on should be about 1/2 speed reading.

Great! Thanks again!,

My costs are going up.
New price is $135

Stupid cheap. I have seen others for a lot more than that.

For my 2007 I had to hold the trip toggle switch down for 8-10 seconds to switch it back and fourth from MPH <-> KPH

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2008 gem car
Stock motor 5 hp
Stock controller
28 inch tires

Hi Dave I’m new here and came across your magic magnet posts, I have a 2014 GEM and was wondering if you still made them and if you do could you please send me the info on where to send you the money to purchase one.

Thank you I look forward to your reply!
