Lithium packs for sale 2


I am very interested in the Mighty Mite but I am still learning about Lithium conversions. Is it a DIY kit or drop in ready battery pack? I have an 02 E4 but it still has the old 12V converter. Its the sealed version and I have never had any problems with it but I understand others have had issues.

the black sealed version is the upgraded one. The mighty mite requires you to hookup a few well marked wires, thats it. You will need a Deltaq charger if you donā€™t already have one.

Perfect. Well I think I would like to move forward with it then. I have the original delta Q that came with the cart but I purchased a new delta Q last year just so I have it when the original one goes bad. It was sent with the algorithm for the Trojan T-1275+ batteries, not sure if it can be changed to the new setting? I also read something about needing to install a spoof?

Install both DQ chargers, make an adapter(J1772?), run to 220v, and charge the car in half the time.
Do you know for sure that your chargers are programmable? Post a pic of the barcode and related stickers if you donā€™t know. DQCP (with black Dot) or later.

Yes, your car will need a simple wiring mod to run the higher V. You will be glad you did.

The old style PWB(converter) may be an issue. Have you tried to get the upgrade installed?

Where are you located?

That sounds good. Here are the photos of the chargers. I know what converter to use but I canā€™t seem to find the harness adapter. Recall was so long ago they probably stopped producing them. I live in Melbourne Beach, FL

I just got a 2011 E4 off auction with no batteries and am thinking of a lithium pack as an option. Anything available that is suggested? Am in central PA.

I have a 2006 e4 and my 1 1/2 year old batteries are already failing. What else would I need for the mighty mite battery system. Charger, reprogramming. Can you please help? Jacksonville Beach Fl

If your Gem has the factory DeltaQ charger it can be upgraded for lithium, that is all you would need.

Post a pic of the barcode/Ser# sticker on your charger. At least DQCP with a black dot or later means your charger can be upgraded.

If you want to tap into the extra speed you will be needing the Magic Magnet if you have not done so already.

What motor is in your car? Do you know if it has it been serviced recently? For a trouble free summer it might be a good time to do that soon. If it is only a GE5 that has never been touched AFUK then it is time to take it off and at least blow it out and have a look at the brushes and comms.

What part of the country are you?

I have a 2006 with R4F charger and R4F motor that I need batteries for and Iā€™d like to try lithium. What do you have available for delivery?

For the 2006 There are 3 different batteries available. Mighty Mite is a high performance pack with a 20 mile range, easy install and will make your Gem come a live. 2nd battery is the extended range battery, 70 mile range, moderate install effort. 3rd battery is for the super performance guys, very fast and long range. I run this set up, difficult install. Controller reprogram is included, no charger with all options. Pm or call for more details and to discuss your options.

Hi, I would be interested in finding out what it takes to put a pack in my 2004 with stock motor and Delta-Q charger

Be sure to tell lg itā€™s for a front mount so I can modify to fit.
Byron and I have supported many diy installs.
80v Samsung 30 mile battery.

Hi, I wrote assembly required earlier today with regard to having a turtle on my 2005 E4. I have flooded batteries that are a little over two years old and it only maintains power for four minutes then the turtle comes on. I assume the power drain is just too much. They were all charged within .2 V. Anyway, I saw lithium batteries at Samā€™s Club. I am looking for something thatā€™s plug-and-play that will fit it under the seat so I donā€™t have to take the back apart every time I replace the batteries. What do you recommend? Could you add assembly required to the conversation? He is put a lot of time in my life over over different stuff, like control, modules, etc. Lol thank you very much

Any 12v lithium batteries you find will not work in a gem. Almost non can be connected in series. Certainly not 6 in a string.

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Ok, so I have the current limiter turtle sign after 5 minutes, yet, the screen on the - shows full charge. What is your suggestion? I charged after and found One battery at 11.7 V the others were 12.3 or above. I do have smart and non-smart charges to disulfide if thatā€™s even a possibility

Sorry charger not charges

The way you suddenly left the chat 20 days ago had me thinking you were all fine and happy. Now you are still having problems?

Let me review.

Thanks! Hoping to determine either keeping, replacing (or desulphating?)the flooded batteries that are 20 months old or try lithium phosphate.

What you might want to do is go back to checking your batteries and figure out if it is only one that is failing or all of them.

Then run your conditioner on that battery and see if it will freshen up. If all others are still load testing good you might get away with only replacing one battery but with all of them coming up on two years old it would only buy you a little time.

No- Do NOT go out and buy Sams Club Lithium batteries. They are not rated for the high current cart duty will require and running 6 in series (to get 72v) without a common BMS has a high possibility of failure.