GE T4 settings

I need a settings chart for GEM GE T4 controller.

Or at least factory settings for 2009 E2


Emailed T4 settings for my 2010 truck and 2008 E4 Black.

Also T1 2000 as mod by Innovation.

Found a screen shot too.

Let me know if you can import them into Sentry gem sw.

I’ll try to get my Tomberlin settings on this computer.
Need advice on mods…

The files you sent are .ges files.

When you save your files while hooked up to the vehicle print them to a PDF file in your computer. You can then read them without using Sentry.

Looking for settings printouts in this format. This was posted a few months ago by a forum member

Pulled this out of my 09 E2

Two questions:

1 why are the settings not in sequence?

2 Shouldn’t setting 26 be 0 instead of 100 - what is the effect of this?

Click “ungroup” to put them in sequence.

26 has non zero value in all mine.

How do you bring up the pdf option?

Have you imported my files?

You don’t have to be online to view them in sentry.

After importing they will show up in the top drop down menu of “function details”.

#26 is set to 100

When you select print there are 5 options select the one you want.

Haven’t imported them because it wants me to change setup. Haven’t got enough balls to do that yet.

[quote=Inwo;28865]Click “ungroup” to put them in sequence.

26 has non zero value in all mine.

How do you bring up the pdf option?

Have you imported my files?

You don’t have to be online to view them in sentry.

After importing they will show up in the top drop down menu of “function details”.[/quote]

I guess you’re right then. Need to be online.

I don’t have to be online to view and print from function screen.

It’s just that the other print options that don’t show up. Unless you have newer version than 4.07

When your hooked up to the vehicle Print is a choice on the main screen where you name and save the configuration file and download to the controller.

If you hit print it will default to your printer but hit the little arrow to the right of the print box and it will give you more choices.

Something is different.

Here’s screen shot.

Only 4 options. Maybe I don’t have the right pdf sw…

Microsoft xpf document writer

Thanks, I’ll try again.
It crashed when I tried it before, and didn’t know what it was. :o

Never easy…
I went to a microsoft program. ie. “word”

Then printed to “XPS” and it worked. Then went back to Sentry and it worked. :slight_smile:

Now forum say’s .xps is not valid to upload.

Tried saving with different ext. No go.:frowning:

Try this…

Used an online conversion tool for the xps files.

Must be an easier way…

Thanks Rodney…

This pretty much matches the setting in my 09. Including 100 for setting 26. I conclude this is factory settings so now we can go play. \

Does your cart have the 5hp motor?

2010 truck is a 5hp.
2008 E4 is 7 hp.

Truck has new batteries and better performance.