GE T4 settings

do you have the read out from your truck ?

Ok when I get both print outs and read them side by side. Will look for significant differences.

Off the top of my head I would guess setting 7 will need some tweaking, NOTE: lower # gives more performance. DO NOT set below 51. setting in the 55 to 63 range should give pretty good performance but will eat range. Watch for motor overheat. Setting 21 should be bumped to 255. This should get you to 26 with a 5hp and 27 with a 7.

NOTE: 2 things will limit your speed. The top speed setting (20 or 21 depending on controller model) and settings that limit power. A stock cart usually has the power settings to get to 30MPH - ON THE LEVEL - with a performance magnet or Magic Magnet installation.

Increases above that level require hotter programming.

that’s what I was thinking . if I remember correctly on trucks and 6 passengers they put # 7 lower . have you ever gone down to 51? we have always used 55 as minimum . would like to hear from someone who uses a lower #

I tried it on my 99 (T1) 5hp Motor got hot pretty quick. Currently set at 56 R4F 7.5hp

Can do 42 MPH but I have it choked down to 35 for range considerations.

2010 truck data

2008 Tomberlin E4 data

Need hotrod suggestions

I believe they both have temp sensors.

#7 to 55 in bumps of 5

#20 to 255 in bumps of 10

What is tire size, gear ratio, motor specs?

[quote=Inwo;28891]2008 Tomberlin E4 data

Need hotrod suggestions[/quote]

5hp motor

10.35 ratio

18" tall tires

Ge ?3 controller

48v 8X6v wet Trojan

Speed is fine. A dog on hills.

leave #20 at 200 Move #7 down to 55 in steps of 5 (lower is stronger) You might take off 10 for the first step.


leave #20 at 200 Move #7 down to 55 in steps of 5 (lower is stronger) You might take off 10 for the first step.


moving #7 to 60 well give u the extra torque you are looking for . interesting they use less field weakening #24 and #26 is only 80 compared to gem 100