Ford Think charging port

My charging port is fried/melted. No idea why other than a short somewhere? No idea if my Delta Q is fried also

Looking to replace charging port. Ideas where or who has them?

If it ain’t one thing it’s another with these vehicles. Might be time to more on if the cost to repair is to $$. Plus no one in area services them that I know of ‘South Jersey’

Thought appreciated Bob

Usually when the plug is melted it’s because someone used a cheap extension cord. The charger has an internal fuse. So, it should blow before any wiring would melt if the charger was the problem. The plug is a Kim Hotstart FM15120

David thanks for charging portal info

I been using the same heavy duty charging cord for the last 3 years with no problems.
I will check the charger fuse which is a Delta Q. I am still able to move the cart forward and reverse until I run out of battery charge.
Prior to the plug meltdown it was losing a charge quickly when driving. Batteries are Trojan that are 2 yrs old.
Any other thoughts appreciated bob

I will check the charger fuse

I think you missed his point. No, don’t do this as a first step. That fuse is buried deep inside the charger and not considered a user serviceable component. For sure it’s not something one can go in and simply “check”. The charger will either boot up or not when it is supplied power.

Change your Charge Port as well as your charge cord first. Most likely a bad connection from 2 years of use has damaged this connection and combined with your bad set of batteries (Charger running on MAX for long periods) heated up this connection enough to make it worse. If it is a good quality cord (14ga or better->12ga) you can cut off the melted plug and replace it with a good quality 25a replacement plug on your cord. (copper is expensive).

Then, you need to find out what is going on with your batteries. When was the last time you gave them a checkup?

  • How is the balance V on all the cells?
  • Are they watered up?
  • Are all the connections clean and tight?
  • How far do they dive when under load?

Bummer about the charging port – sounds like a short might be the culprit. You can check online stores like eBay or Amazon for a replacement port, or try contacting Delta-Q directly for advice. If it’s turning into a money pit, might be worth considering moving on. Good luck, man!