8kW AC motor anyone have a spare?

Very cool, didnt know I could highlight the text and then quote that by simply clicking on quote. HAHA. Gotta love when you learn something new.

I am being driven to go with the 8kw motor because I have a sickness that there doesnt seem to be a cure for. I like to modify and then modify some more.

On a serious note, I am really hoping that the larger motor provides a little more grunt or ummph off the line. In addition to that I’d like to think the larger motor can safely and more comfortably handle the higher speeds. Plus, heck, its like the last thing I havent changed. Soooo, you guess it, why not modify it. hahahah.

Hi Guys, sorry for the delayed response i’m pulling some mad hours at work these days, hoping things settle down over time.

@Inwo - I’m going to pickup the e4 Gem this Sat. I did contact @AssyRequired and he is in So cali. I think I can manage the updates or take it over there and work on it with him and knock it out. TBD at this point b/c i don’t want to impose.

I don’t know what @AssyRequired has or what @Erniea15 has for a complete kit. I need the HV battery but I want to make sure it is new cells. @MikeKC mentioned the 12:1 gears is what I need so not sure who has that and everything else needed to do the conversion at once

30 miles is more than enough for what i’ll be using it for. I’m not opposed to a 45 mile range just depends on the price delta.

@AssyRequired sent you a message, i’m not opposed but agian I don’t want to impose.

@FUNDAD - thanks for the feedback, I completely understand and one of the reasons I want to go with the bigger motor is for the reasons you described plus I just want to get it going and leave it alone once it is working and hopefully have a reliable long term setup like @Erniea15 has with his.

My wife is going to kill me for sure lol

I’m not sure any of us has a full kit ready to go but we can piece it all together for you

Motor - @AssyRequired and I have you covered there; the motors we have are not drilled so you’ll have to figure out how to get that done. we can chat more about this.
Charger - @LithiumGods would be your guy. he can get it loaded with the lithium profiles
Battery and BMS - @Inwo @LithiumGods @djgabriel2004 have options and can help with the pros and cons
Dc-to-DC converter - I have a few and can help there
HV throttle harness, directional harness, and contactor - @Inwo
Gears - you’ll have to pull your tranny (that as an invitation to @JarJarJava to the discussion), you can either send to @Old_Houseboater if he’s still doing them. Or order gears from ride-4-fun and have a local machine shop install them for you
Controller - you’ll have to decide on S4 or S6. I think most of the guys have moved to installing the higher amp controllers s6. It’s probably going to come down to availability and new vs used. I think @Inwo has a stock pile of new s4s. S6s might be mostly used. @Inwo or @djgabriel2004 are probably your guys here.

I think that’s your shopping list… guys? am i missing anything?

Thanks Ernie appreciate your help.

I guess i need to contact each of these members and find what they have or don’t. I know Dave already contacted me with the battery info.

Question on the gears you have 12:1 i assume which is what I’ll need. I think @MikeKC mentioned the ride-4-fun are much lower and I don’t want to lose too much low end. Would like to be able to drive on the street and not piss off anyone behind me. Is the gear something I can do myself?

12:1 you’ll be fine. mine pulls off the line and has hill-climbing power.

hard to say… with enough beer, power tools, and money… i can do anything!! :). in all seriousness, i’m sure it’s doable… I’ve never broken one down. probably just comes down to your skill-level. Grant posted a video of him breaking down a legacy gearbox… take a look and decide for yourself. (obviously a different model but will give you an idea of what’s involved)

Did you check with Rodney? @Old_Houseboater

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Now I know why I got the PM.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Grant has 12:1 and looking to try 8:1. It may make sense to trade trannies.
No sense Grant removing his 12:1 gearset.
Ronny Piccou from FB got 8:1 by mistake IIRC. I’m trying to get him in touch with @grantwest for a possible swap. Nothing to do with this thread, I guess.

Thanks guys,

I have all the tools to rebuild a trans, looking at Grants video that is easy. But the trans on mine is apparently not the same as Ernie pointed out so it would be nice if i had a service manual which I don’t have b/c this is a newer model. Anyone have a 2019 service manual?

I did reach out to Rodney, no response back yet from him :frowning:

Dave, where is Grant located? In that video based on what Ernie said that is an older model. I assume he has a newer model. I’ll PM him now. thanks

Yes, Grant has a new car now.
@grantwest here is chance to sell your 12:1 if you want to try something different.

Hey Dave I talked to Grant He said he wants to keep it because he likes to switch configurations which is no big deal He also told me right for fun even though they don’t list it he called and confirmed it’s 12: 35 so that’s close to what I’m looking for that Ernie has if Rodney does not respond I will have to go that route

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12.3 TO 1 upgrades $595 Grant ordered a 9.3 today


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Hi Rodney I sent you a PM thanks

Figured we needed comedic commentary on this thread :joy:

You know me, I’m always up for a discussion on trannys.

Alright Rodney got back to me, the only person I’m waiting a response from is @LithiumGods for the charger. Thanks to everyone for your support and help in getting me setup and sharing your knowledge.

I’m going to be picking up the gem tomorrow. Will post pictures when i get home.

What are your goals with this car?
All I see is that you want to do 50 and it will be your wife’s Daily driver.

What kind of range are you needing?
Are you up in the hills? or flat level ground?

Toxic mushrooms are cheaper…

Picked up the Gem, told the wife she can enjoy it while i start to collect the parts :slight_smile:

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Last chance to avoid the money pit. :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Reprogram and have one of the guys turn up the torque map a little.
Put a lightweight SDI-22 battery in and done.
35mph and good torque. But don’t try racing Ernie or Grant! :grimacing:

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