4 blinking red lights on Delta Q

Hello all, my car recently stopped charging I believe e. It will show full charge and then die after a few hundred feet. When plugged in I get an almost immediate 4 red flashes on charger.

One possible cause shows the power input is not up to spec.

  • Make sure the outlet you are using is good. Maybe try another one?
  • Make sure you have a quality power cord going to your car. 16ga and as short as possible. 12ga is better.
  • Make sure your connector on your cart is clean and not melted from a poor connection.

You should also check your batteries.
That battery display is lying to you.

Thanks. So I followed what you said, it’s still blinking. I’ll check the batteries im trying to charge them separately now.

What batteries are you using?
What profile is your DQ set to?