Sevcon MillipaK 36v

Good day. Help. I have a controller Millipak 36v .

There adapter USB-TTL -

There adapter CAN IXXAT-USB

There is software from SEVCON
Can I join the diagnostic connector? See the photos.
Thank you very much for your help!


The pictures didn’t come thru. A few more words on what your trying to do would also help.

How did you come up with that controller in Russia?

What brand of EV do you have?


I can not add photos to this forum. Do menyat 5 posts.

Forum rules won’t let you add photos until you have posted 5 times. It helps us keep the hacker problem in check.

I wrote you a private message. I understand …:slight_smile:

PM from ELEC - can anyone help him with this?

We have all that is in the world. CURTIA ZAPI SEVCONE GE and other.
I work for a private mechanic .Remont electric forklifts and other.
Foto -
millipak Alan.JPG / VFL.Ru

Do you think you need an adapter RS232-TTL ?
USB-TTL - it does not work …

Hurray! Hooked! Earned! The connection is!

:smiley: Glad you got it. We don’t know much about electric vehicle activity in your part of the world. What’s going on?

Come back and visit.


Putin and oil companies who support him do not give the promotion of electric vehicles in Russia . Gas and petrol is the main what we move .
We have a lot in big cities - Moscow and Petersburg electric bikes . At us in Russia very few people who can afford the transport . Very expensive . And wage income are small .Sorry for my English …Google .
We have our own forums .