So I’m selling my car (http://tucson.craigslist.org/car/739942418.html) to fund my new EV project so i can steer away from GAS…
Anyway. Not 100% sure what car i’m going to get to convert yet - but i will know within the next few weeks (I HOPE).
What ever car I get I will be using a conversion kit. THIS is where i’m stumped. What kit?! I priced out an actual KIT from KTA Services, and they were charging about 800 more than the actual parts were… so if i order from them i will most likely put together my own “Custom” conversion kit which will include the following:
ADVANCED DC #203-06-4001A…$1411 (Motor)
CURTIS-PMC #1221C-7401…$1050 (Controller)
CURTIS-PMC #PB-6…$75 (pot box)
MAGNECRAFT #W389ACX-9…$16 (relay[s])
FERRAZ/SHAWMUT #A15QS400-4…$25 (fuse[s])
FIRST INERTIA SWITCH #FCS1…$55 (safety “inertia” fuse)
G.E. #TQD-200…$140 (Circut breaker)
Breaker Switchplate…$20 (breaker switchplate)
WESTBERG #A2C6-30 & A2C5-28…$110 (instrumentation)
DELTEC #MKB-500-50 & MKA-50-50…$40 (converters for the interments)
ZIVAN #NG1-DC…$490 (DC-DC)
#2/0 Welding Cable KIT…$210 (over quoted cable kit)
ZIVAN #NG-3…$930 (charger)
Total …$3800
More specs for any of the above can be found in the KTA Catalog. (Link Below)
[B]WHAT UP THERE IS NONSENSE?! What do I NOT need, or what should be exchanged with something else?![/B] Please Please PLEASE let me know - those of you that have worked with some hardware before i would SERIOUSLY appreciate that.
Should i upgrade/downgrade anything?
Are there any kits from any other vendors that are price worthy and worth using?
Where would you buy your parts from?
Two or three options, still heart broken…
A) 12 12v@115 AH @ ~$70 = $850 for a pack
(costco batteries)
B) 16 6v@225AH @ ~$110 = $1760
C) Something you recommend that will get me AT LEAST 30 miles, and 50 MPH.
So before I go and spend thousands on EV parts. Let me know what needs to be adjusted.
at least 30 miles range
at least 50 mph cruise speed
will settle for anything equal or more.