Anyone used Saft NI-CD cells or have any thoughts on them?
I’ve e-mailed them requesting a price for the STM 5-100 MR and the STM 5-140 MR but just wondered if anyone has any experience with them.
I’m considering a Quantum 2+2 as a base vehicle for a conversion, probably using a 9" DC motor at 120v and maybe (just maybe) a home built controller. Nothing decided for definite yet…
I’ve never used NiCd cells in an EV, but I’ve been flying electric R/C planes and helicopters for years, and here’s what I’ve learned about them:
If you charge a NiCd battery without it being COMPLETELY dead, the battery will lose capacity.
If you stop charging a battery before it’s full the battery will lose capacity.
A NiCd can be discharged at incredible rates. Your 1/4 mile time could be astounding.
Battery would be lightweight, but large in physical size.