Publish GEM Settings

Can someone publish the codes and proper settings that come up on the display when using the turn signal and mileage reset switch. Also what each does and is used for.

Check your manual…


I cannot find the settings I need in the manual. Please post them or private message me.


@Old_Houseboater - I think what he is looking for is the list of what all the other settings in the display menu do (besides the SOC adjustment).

I cannot answer as I have not been in there yet,
As far as I know there is no list of the mystery display presets. I don’t think anybody has spent too much time in there and is an area of which not too much is known.

If you discover anything, post what you find and we should start a list.

That is exactly what I want to know. What do all of these settings mean and any information on how to use them to our advantage. I already knew how to get in to the settings but know nothing about them except how to change them. Not knowing what the change will do to the Gem is something I would like to know.

In addition to the SOC instructions the other adjustable settings are spelled out on page 24 of a 2007 manual. Same or close page on other year manuals. Most describe various switch functions.

Hi @Old_Houseboater Thank you for all your contributions to this forum? I am looking at a Maintenance manual for 2005-2010 and I cannot find the listing of everything in the hidden menu and nothing in section 5 the electrical section can you help?

Hi @Old_Houseboater if you have the 2007 manual can you please email it to me? I would be most greatful

Solar Gem

email me directly.