New old car guy

I like belonging to forums to get help or to help, I rescued a gem car from a guy that couldn’t keep any longer due to a brain tumor, he is doing okay. I’m now changing the saft nife charger to a delta q and could use some tech assist,thanks from Harry

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living in 55+ mobile hme community,turned 62 yesterday, my front yard is the little manatee river,we are in the country and we love it.I always wanted to live on a houseboat,this is the next thing to it.This gem car has the saft nife charger and I bought a delta q. Most of my early years I was a auto mechanic(I love old cars)then I went into electronics installation and service. I guess the gem peaked my curiosity so I found one.I downloaded the manual for the q but have yet to find wiring diagrams for the saftnife.I think I have seen posts from you before.thanks for any help,Harry