Looking for a Temp Sense for Zivan NG1 Charger

Hey, I’m looking for a temperature sensor for an old-school Zivan NG1 This is the charger that comes stock in a E825. Anyone have that Temp sence that plugs into the charger and gos down to the battery’s up front

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You can get one from elcon (electric conversions) in Sacramento. You’ll have to email them because like every other “customer service” oriented business in this country, they can’t be bothered to answer a flipping telephone. Just Google them and the contact info will come up. I think he quoted me 40 bucks when I sent my zivan in for repair.
elcon@jps.net. I went and looked it up for you.

Grant if i had one it would be on the way to you.

I figure you probally have something interisting fot it cause the sensor/program is pretty basic. It only trims the last 15% of the charge or so. If ypu run wothout it you get 100% of the program algo

Electric Conversions is what it is. Its a one man and his half blind 12 year old german shepard dog operation. Hes the sole us distributor. Hes also hard to follow because hes so knowledgeable about the product he talks at about 200 mph.

Im going to head up to help @Pythan with programming his controller & unfarkig his DQ sometime in thr next week or two if you need anything i can pop my head in. I miss his dog.

Let me go through my junkbox and see if I have one.

Hey thanks Jar Jar and Assembly and Clformy. I know a guy who knows a guy who has a POS E825. And it was having issues as they all do. I directed him to Elcon Thanks Guys

So if the thristor is shorted itll take down the charger. The charger is fine with an open circuit but not really low restances or shorts.

He should be able to just unplug the din connector.

BTW, for the next two weeks only! Any new sign ups fot my 4 step e825 recivery program will get 25% off! Annnnd… the person who referrs them gers 25% cold hard cash. Thats right! Its out first ever membership sale!

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Your E825 regret class is much needed.

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look through my rejuvenation thread on my 2002 for where I spec how I fixed my sensor. I think I give the part number and circuit. It’s an inexpensive part plus a small capacitor and that’s it. I ended up changing the chip and didn’t fix my problem then pulled a similar sized Capacitor off a scrap board and fixed the problem.

I didn’t post a schematic but it’s really easy if you still have the old part or even just zoom in on the pic I posted - Just purchased 2002 e825-4 where to start rejuvenation? - #32 by dougl