Good news for the SoCo crowd

Don’t know how many of you all have seen this yet but it looks like it has some potential.

Honda FCX Clarity

Let’s just hope they don’t pull another EV-1 with that lease…

Interesting site at first glance I like the body styling very aerodynamic!

How much will hydrogen cost per mile? How much compared to gas? Will it be legal to refine your own hydrogen at home for use?

[QUOTE=SerpaDesigns;1752]How much will hydrogen cost per mile? How much compared to gas? Will it be legal to refine your own hydrogen at home for use?[/QUOTE]

since they have a select few places to refuel, it will be very comparable to gas costs (for people to want to lease it). seeing as hydrogen needs to be compressed to be able to put it into the tank, i highly doubt it… unless you have a way to compress your own hydrogen?

[QUOTE=FEUS;1756]since they have a select few places to refuel, it will be very comparable to gas costs (for people to want to lease it). seeing as hydrogen needs to be compressed to be able to put it into the tank, i highly doubt it… unless you have a way to compress your own hydrogen?[/QUOTE]

Yes in fact has been in business for some years now, the only hydrogen production and compressor they carry at the moment is the Hydrogen Generator - HG600

I understand 200psi is far below the 5000 needed for the FCX. Although, it might not be long before one is available to consumers.

FCX is a great Fuel Cell vehicle.
But now fuel cell is high cost,low reliability,low power density.
So there is still a long way to put in the market. The fuel cell vehicles in the market are all the demostrators, only a prototype.

There are much technique problem to solve. Let us wait for the zero exhaust.

So there is still a long way to put in the market. The fuel cell vehicles in the market are all the demostrators, only a prototype.


BMW has had a hydrogen vehicle 7 series in production since 2007 just to name 1 manufacturer.

Hi Folk,
New here.
The BMW is a standard ICE powered car.
They modified a gasoline engine to run on hydrogen.
It is only being sold/leased where there is a fueling station within a certain distance of its home base. Range is limited. It uses liquid hydrogen and requires a specialist to pick up the car and take it to re-fuel for you. You can not re-fuel it yourself.
The Clarity is a great idea but the re-fueling locations are limited.It takes a 5000PSI station to re-fuel. Shell has built 1 in LA. The rest of the stations are run by the state.
Of course the car companies are lying to us again.
They claim that it is too expensive to mass produce a fuel cell car because of the cost of the PEM cells that use platinum as a catalyst.
There is a fuel cell made here in the US that cost only 10% of the PEM cells.It uses no noble metals. It is made mostly of copper, iron and plastic.
It has a higher power density and will operate at -40F. PEM only work to 0F
It also does not require a warmup time like a PEM cell.
It starts in 40milliseconds.
It will also run for up to 20 minutes after the hydrogen is turned off.
Because of that the manufacturer calls it a hydrogen BATTERY, not a cell.
And the part that should make your blood boil is that the company that makes it is only 10 miles from Chrysler headquarters in Michigan.
These cells (batteries) have been around since 2000 -2001.
They have been publicly displayed and promoted at various trade shows starting in 2002.
They come from the same company that made the GOOD batteries for the EV-1.
Look them up. They also have a solid hydrogen product that will give you 6 times the storage as compressed hydrogen but at only 300PSI instead of 5000PSI.
It was shown in a modified PRIUS where the engine was converted to run on hydrogen instead of gasoline. Also in 2002.

Energy Conversion Devices (ECD Ovonics) is a leader in the fields of alternative energy generation and storage, and advanced information technologies — Welcome to ECD Ovonics

They have a number of wonderful advanced products for the green market and nobody is buying.
Go figure.

Really like the new model vary much.