Gem cart drops speed from 25 to 22 mph

72 volts should be okay. Check to make sure the wheels turn freely. Brakes could be dragging. Of course the drive wheels will have some drag. Like others have said, have you checked to make sure it’s not in turf mode?

Been driving these cars for three years around South Beach for the whole day working with terrorists and I had many problems never had this one before and no it’s not on turf mode any other suggestions

Hahah sorry meant to say tourists not terrorists lol

Could be a pedal issue

If there is nothing dragging then it could be a lot of different things. I’ve seen lots of brakes drag once they get hot and I’ve seen them drag all the time. If you have another Gem you could swap out the motor controllers to see if that is the problem. If that isn’t it it could be the AP (accelerator pedal) sensor is not sending the proper signal. Also could be the motor itself. Of course a wiring issue could be the problem. An easy check to do is make sure the turf switch works. Just switch it to turf mode and make sure the mph decreases and when you flip it back it goes back up to 22mph.

Yeah turf mode works fine it hits 16 mph and then on the fast mode it hits 20 mph I’m thinking it could be a AC pedal problem how do I check that and if it’s a motor problem how do I check that no I don’t have another gym cart to
switch controllers in check thanks

Is the turtle on? That usually means the batteries are shot.

Not on what is shot mean ?

It’s painful, but it usually means you have to get new batteries. The car drives around, but it gets slower and slower. We have to get new batts now, because the turtle is on. It doesn’t come on immediately, but after driving around a bit it comes on.

Maybe it’s only one battery!!?

Checked on the battery and they are 8.6 V each brings it to 76.5 but while not driving does that mean anything?

make sure your switch is in road mode NOT turf

He said it’s not his turf switch. He may have a battery that is not up to par but he doesn’t want to check each individual battery as he doesn’t think a bad battery is his issue. I guess hooking up a voltmeter is to much work to eliminate the obvious.

it’s not so easy to get individual battery voltage while driving using a volt meter. I would think it would be easier and more telling to remove the dash, connect the volt meter battery charger terminals and watch the volt meter while you drive and document the results.

if the full battery pack voltage drops significantly under load then the individual batteries need to be tested with a load and any weak ones replaced.

What you’re missing is that one battery could be 1 or more volts lower than the rest underload and measuring overall voltage will not show it. For example if you have six 12 volt batteries making a 72 volt system and 5 batteries are at 12.5 volts underload but one drops to 11 volts underload the overall voltage will seem okay at 73.5 volts but in reality you have a bad battery.

Reading pack voltage cannot tell you which battery is failing. Best test is to read individual battery voltage under load. Just 1 bad cell can cause current symptoms.A volt meter is under 10 bucks at Harbor Freight

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My point was not to find a single bad battery but to first determine if it is the battery pack which is the cause of the problem. The speed decrease is only 3MPH so you are correct that if only one battery is marginally bad, it might not be recognizable looking at the whole pack.

But I will repeat that without a BMS installed, checking which battery(ies) are a problem while driving is tough for the non-technically inclined. It would require jump wires safely installed so the volt meter could be located on the dashboard. Easy enough for many here but not all. A cheap wireless DMM with a bluetooth interface to a phone app might be best option if they are cheaply available.

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Well it help if I change on a slow 3amp to fix this or do I need to buy new ones and from where is the best cheap spot to get batteries of 8v ??

Don’t get cheap batteries, get the right size from a reliable store. Probably going to cost $1200 because you will need to replace all 6. I would have a cart mechanic check it over first just in case it is not the batteries but if you have been using it ever day for hauling tourists they are most likely worn out.

You dont have to drive. Hold your foot on the brake and hold the throttle down for 2 seconds and read the voltage. the bad battery will show up. Guaranteed
