GEM car needs blue pill

[QUOTE=eS GEM Colo;14619]stupid question… are you near a dealer? who was the ‘guy’ in FL?


no where near a dealer… there is a polaris dealer here, but NEVER worked on a GEM… i have FL guys name at home… number is 1-850-596-0113

did u have the master swich in the off position when u were working on the battery. does the lcd display light up when you turn on the key?

2006 gem e6,9 new deka 8 volt batterys,have turn signals and stop lights,no codes,nothing happens when i step on the throttle pedal.any ideas?
changed the controller still nothing.I need a wiring diagram.

yes and yes,fuse’s are all good,contactor is not engaging and we have continuity on both circuts of the contactor

Jeff I know that Dustin just built an e6… call him… I’m sure he will help you… INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS DUSTIN (619) 301-7232 Cell (ANYTIME)
or on Monday call Lee at… 888-677-4961… he can probably get you an e6 manual

tell them I sent you


This thing is driving me crazy.

check the relay. Thats what was wrong with mine. I jumped it and the cart came alive. I am happy happy happy!!!

[quote=GEMmechanic;9187]I know the 2002 model year well as we bought several GEMs that year. We have replaced one of these sensors a few years ago. I would recommend that you call the Zivan dealer, Electric Conversions, at 916-441-4161. They have been very helpful to us in the past and will help you with troubleshooting. Most often the thermistor (that tiny tin can at the end of the wire by the battery) is out of range. They will provide you with a temperature to resistance comparison chart. If the charger has been upgraded in the past, there should be a small sticker on it which reads"micro upgraded." If not, the charger should be upgraded. Electric conversions will update the software and test various internal components.

I just ordered thermal sensor today. 60 bucks, Electric conversions


Be careful about jumping out relays and safety switches. There is a risk the vehicle will run away. Have the front wheels raised on jack stands.

That’s exactly what I did.

I have agm .batteres from Napa. They are about a year old and one was reading 10.7 and the other 5 were 12.4. These blue tops have a 2 year warrenty so i switched out the one for a new one. My car goes about 10-12 miles before changing. they say the charging profile is wrong for these batteries and it must be upgraded. Was wondering if i should just buy a used and new charger vs upgrade since i may want a different battery next round. 2002 charger must now have some improvments. Any suggestions new, vs used and any suggestion. Mahalo

Mahalo Mauiguy… on a 2002 car I think most batteries should work… that being said my friends at Innovation Motorsports have done extensive battery work with the cars that they have built and are now putting ONLY the Deka Dominator batteries in all their builds no matter what year… I’ve only seen my car so I’m not an authority… I do believe that the batteries in the GEM car work as a pack… if one goes sour… replace all six… I’m also a fan of the Battsix BMS… maybe it’s just the graphics that gives me a false sense od security but seeing the charge on each battery at any time makes me happy

there is a charger on eBay… I know the seller Larry in AZ… his stuff is what he says it is… a good guy…


if you have a Zivan Charger Just get it upgraded to the latest specs.
