Delta Q repair

Yeah, I thought I remembered that you were in my area.
I am up in CM/NB. This week is a little crazy with assorted projects, but I’ll see if I can run down your way for a check.

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That would be great!

Can you send me the shipping address and payment info to test, repair if possible, and program? I’m not sure who Byron is.

I have a feeling Byron can do it for less$$.
Im not looking for work but will help out if Byron doesn’t want to.

That would be me. Are you around this weekend? I might be able to do a drive-by Sunday for a quick look.

It seems like you didn’t like our advice before.

David, again I apologize. It’s not that I did not like your advice if you are referring to going lithium. The consensus seemed to be that putting that much time, $$$ and effort into a gen 1 GEM was a money pit. I wish I would have known about the expertise of this forum before I bought mine. I would have made a lot of different choices. I am very appreciative of the selfless time and help you and all of the experts on this forum give us clueless GEM owners. As for this Delta Q I bought, the whole blinking light thing confused the heck out of me. I was obviously using the wrong error code chart and each time I would try to resolve the issue, by the time I got to my computer, I think I may have got the codes mixed up between connected to power and not confusing everyone here in the process.

All this to say, thank you once again for all of your assistance.

Don’t get me wrong. We are glad to help, in any case.
Just maybe not for free. :slight_smile: Although Byron will. If you try to pay him, he will just send it back.
The thing is, by working for free, he can’t keep up. You can imagine…!
I try to charge enough so I can have a life. :slight_smile:

As you should, absolutely. I’ll gladly pay to get this thing repaired if it’s less costly than a new one. And I will buy from you if you sell them if it is not. I have learned so much from you guys here.

I’m embarrassed to even share this but my always inquisitive nature got me schooled in trying to look at other alternatives but maybe you will get a chuckle out of it… Foolish me. I found a really high end 24 volt 3 bank charger from a local guy for next to nothing. I spent an entire day modifying it to fit in my GEM. When I went to hook it up, much to my surprise, the second common ground negative sparked like a short. I finally realized you can’t have a multi-bank charger with a common ground hooked up to 3 sets of two 12 volt batteries in a series. Duh! No more mad scientist here.

I guess maybe the not being able to keep up thing with Byron is the reason I never heard from him this weekend. In any case, I just want to get a working charger so I am happy to send this thing to you and pay what it takes to evaluate and possibly repair it. I also have the dead Zivian that I will send you on my dime to evaluate. It’s yours if you want it. I have your address. Paypal to make payment? Upfront or after eval?

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Apologies. Your note made it seem like you were fairly busied out yesterday and my day went chaotic on other issues too.

What is your schedule like during the week?

Anytime works for me. I’m retired. You got my cell# right?