Delta Q charger doing strange things

I sent my DQ charger off to be reprogrammed and now I finally connected it back up. I had changed to AGM batteries, hence the program change. It is not programmed to #8.
So now it is connected to batteries, (which are fully charged), get a strange cycling of lights. I tried with and without the temp sensor connected. No change… Any idea?

Weird/goofy things happen if your temp probe is not plugged in.
Depending on which probe you are using it may even need to be clamped onto B- post.

I tried it with and without the temp sensor connected to the B- and the charger white wire. No change. The sensor is just sitting on the plywood… I measured the ring on the sensor and it is isolated so I am not sure connecting it to the B- terminal physically on the battery will do anything… I guess I could try.

That’s why I included the modifier “depending”.
Early sensors did not get B- from being mounted. They looked exactly like an uncrimped battery lug with 18ga black wires. One of these wires is connected to the white wire going to the charger, and the other wire needs to be on B-. At room temp, these sensors were about 10k ohm.

Later sensors were a ring and a molded plastic square body, with 12ga white and black wires coming out of the end. This sensor needed to be on B-

So I went and tested it. The sensor is about 13K at 64 deg room temp and gets down below 9k with me blowing on it cupped in my hand. This one has a ring terminal with back molded plastic body and the two wires coming out. Standard thermal couple. I think.

Where did you send it for programming?
It looks like it might be an error in the profile or the software needed to be upgraded to use this profile.

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He changed the program but didn’t confirm it actually works. The LED flashes 8 times at startup like it should but as a control systems engineer, I know you ALWAYS test before you ship something. Now I await what he has to say.

The ring termin on the temp sensor is there to keep it in contact with the post to measure temp of post. Not as an electrical commection

Algo 8? Not listed on the website public algos. Must be a manufacturer only algo or a custom written one. What brand / model agms do you have and did NEVA hice you info on the algo?

Yeah I figured that about the ring terminal. Algo 8 from what I can find is for AGM by condor…or something like that… basically generic. The brand I have is Autocessking.

He told me nothing other than it should work with AGM batteries.

#8 is a generic DQ profile and will not work in a Gem charger.
Bump to a different profile, if he did not delete them, charger should work again.

Interesting…Before I sent it to him I asked if he could really program it and he said he had done others.
You say “Bump to a different profile”. You mean the tap method, since I don’t have a way to program it otherwise.

Yes- tap method.
Some people have the gift, some don’t.
I was going to suggest it earlier but I assumed you were in the group of the latter and why you had to send it to get it changed but also added in #8.

Tap method is the most user hostile means of field configuring a component that I have ever seen. If anyone has the number of the guy that thought this was a good idea, I would like to talk to him.

It is a process that has caused many yellow and black boxes to suddenly jump out of a car and take a trip across the garage and gloriously slam into the other wall.

For some unexplained reason Gem had their own programming. (two components- software and profiles)
Yes, other profiles can be added, but it also need software to be wiped/updated, making it no longer a GEM specific charger.

What Inwo suggests is try the tap method and see if the original Gem profiles are still on there, choose one, and it should still be functional.

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aah… the tap method had zero programs for AGM batteries according to Delta. That is why I had to send it in. Now it seems the attempt has made it worse… at least for the moment. Later today I will try the tap to see if I can get it to change

Or just ask the guy what sw he loaded.
Maybe he forgot.

good point… I’ll ask. I’m waiting to see what he comes back with on Monday.


Your 2002 didnt come with a DQ as original equipment it was probably a zivan. Can you post a picture of the model # sticker on the charger? See if we can tell if its a gem dq or an off the shelf dq.

I may be able to get out your way thursday or friday with a programmer if you get stuck with the tappy tap tap or if need to add a profile

I saw it earlier on another post.
It was DQCP with black dot. I’m beginning to think the black dot was the special GEM thing?

Yeah i think the is bad.

“So I’m a little hazy on this whole bad thing egon…”

Iirc the black dot chargers cant be firmware upgraded nor run other algos at least as far lithium is concerned. So Dave is it all orther non gem specific algos wont run on these?


This is the sticker.

That would be very cool if you come this way.

So even if I can’t get it to charge AGM batteries, if I can at least get it back to stock I could sell it to someone that needs one for wet cells