Does anyone have a manual for replacing the cv joint axles on a 2008 Gem e4 car or can someone tell me step by step how to do it… Also where would be the best place to order the part…Thanks…
I finished replacing mine yesterday. I go the manual from Rodney Diehl, he said that we couldn’t post it due to copyright. If you contact him “old houseboater”, he will probably sent you a copy.
Basically you disassemble the brake disc, then the steering knuckle, then pull the half shaft out. There is a clip on the inside bearing to remove, then I used a Harbor Freight 3 prong puller.
I found that the manual and my inboard bearing were different. No problem, just don’t be surprised if you find it to be so.
I don’t know anything about the cv joint but if you’re looking for info to remove the cv shaft, you will need to remove he castle nut on the end of the cv shaft and underneath that is a snap ring that will require heavy duty snap ring pliers, cheap or harbor freight ones will bend. To remove the steering knuckle from the ball joints, you will need to completely remove the bolts on the knuckle not just loosen them.
The early GEMs have the snap ring you describe. The 2008 doesn’t, the only snap ring is on the inboard end of the shaft. I just discovered this while using a 2002 manual while working on a 2008.
Yes Larry, your right I was confused and thinking of the snap ring that holds the wheel bearing in the steering knuckle. That was a PIA to get out.
I removed the cv joint yesterday. It was fairly easy especially with an impact wrench. Castle nut off, disk brake caliper off 2 bolts, steering knuckle at the wheel off, cotter pin and nut, 2 bolts that hold on the hub assembly ,stick a screw driver in the slot and pry it open and it drops right down. Disconnect the shock to get it out of the way, bottom bolt. The coupling at the transaxle slides out with a little pressure with 2 screwdrivers. There are no snap rings or c clips… Also the threaded part of the axle can be tapped through the hub with a hammer just use something to protect the threads…Thanks for all of your help and I hope this information helps someone else…