2005 e2 stuck in turf mode

My GEM car will not change to DH mode. DL (turf mode) lights up on the dash whether I select DL or DH on the switch. Max speed is 20 mph. Has anyone else had to deal with this issue?.I removed the 3-position rocker switch and there was a black jumper wire soldered to 2 of the terminals. Is this normal? Was it done at the factory? I checked all of the contacts on the switch and they seem ok (they change state when I toggle between REV, DL and DH). So, it looks like the switch is ok. I’m wondering if anyone has an electric schematic for a 2005 e2 they can share because I think the cart might have been modified to stay in DL mode. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’m guessing this is a new car to you and it has always been this way?
This is not uncommon. Sometimes the environment warrants the need to keep the car slow. There are a couple ways it can be done. You just need to figure out how this was done by the crafty mechanic that came before you

The fact that the black jumper was soldered(not factory) onto the switch means someone was putzing around with the switch. I’m not sure why someone would need to do solder unless they replaced the switch, lost the jumper and did not have crimp connectors. Wire position is a very confusing pattern until you figure out what the switch is actually doing internally. Perhaps it was just mis-wired.
The back of the switch should look something like this.

Your opening statement above has a few of the answers to what I would ask next, but I want to clarify one before moving on.

  • When flipping direction switch, the display changes and indicates Rev and DL, but not DH??

  • Verify → when switch is flipped to DH, there is +12v on the tab going to the Blue wire. If you want to double check this, The red wire is +12v, Blue wire is DH. Pull both of those connectors off the switch and connect them together. What do you get on the display? If it remains as DL then we need to look somewhere downstream.

Honorable Mention
Are there any other trouble lights on your display? Two other things that would force the car into limp mode would be the Turtle and the Temp. (but it would go slower than 20mph- so I really don’t think this is your issue.)

If indicator points to DH and it is just not going faster than 20mph, then we need to explore what might be holding you back. It could be a handful of things and even a combination of them.

Not sure what that means, but I believe the switch goes to psdm, then psdm decides with indicator comes on.
@AssyRequired do you know if DH stays on when car goes to limp mode? I assume that it would and would add turtle display.

Maybe turtle stuck on? Do you know how to disconnect turtle wire from switch.

Wow. A picture IS worth a thousand words.

My setup is almost identical to what is shown in the picture. However, the blue wire was removed on my switch (found it laying inside) and replaced with a wire that was tapped into the yellow wire using a vampire clip… In effect, the yellow wire was on both terminal 4 and terminal 6. I added the blue wire back where it belongs and all is well. Plenty of speed now. Thanks a million. Joe

From what I can tell(in my world)
Yes, the switch condition/signals go through the PSDM first, then go to the controller. The only reason I figure is that the PSDM will turn on a rev light output when it detects something on REV wire.

The controller detects which wire is high on p4, 5 & 6, and reflects that selection back on the serial data out. This serial data also routes back through the pdsm, then goes to the Dash which decodes which selection it sees.

I added the blue wire back where it belongs and all is well.

I’m glad that was easy enough. Glad it’s back. Chalk this up to creative wiring.

Plenty of speed now.

Oh - you will be back for more power and speed later.
Enjoy your new car.

Thanks for that additional info. I had tried the Magic Magnet but didn’t have any luck. Apparently DL mode isn’t limited by speed because the speedometer was reading 12 mph but the cart would still only go 20 mph (per my gps). Know anybody in need of a Magic Magnet? I have no use for this one now.

Hang onto it. You will need it later. It is the easiest speed bump you can do for your 2005.

Try it again now that you have DH back online. Note speedo reading when it is installed (compared to gps)

DL mode isn’t limited by speed because the speedometer was reading 12 mph but the cart would still only go 20 mph (per my gps).

This is a real interesting observation. I have not heard this before. Research is needed to see if this can be duplicated. It might be a T3 controller thing?

How fast does it go now? (GPS) (guessing ~24?)
If it still doesn’t go much faster we need to figure out what is holding you back. Usually it is battery condition, tire pressures, or perhaps dragging brakes?
It also might be that your motor could use a service.

The cart is topping out at 27 mph. Plenty fast for around The Villages. But I tried the magnet again and got in excess of 30 with the speedo reading 19. The batteries are dated so this would definetly affect the top end.

30 is great for a stock battery t3 car.
Change speedometer to kph for correct 0-40 reading.
Long long press.

My Mom is in the villages, I’m up there frequently if you need any help.

FYI they do this to Gems that want to be registered as golf carts and not have insurance. They must be limited to 20mph.