Why get an EV?

Many like their regular cars, and are not convinced about the benefits of EVs, or just don’t care. If we cannot convince people that EVs can help reduce CO2 emission and that this is needed, the new technology cannot succeed.
So how would you persuade people that they should buy an EV? what are the underlying reasons for replacing existing solutions?

Why get an EV?

First you have to know what features would appeal to them and then show them it has it. Most people are not ecologically concerned, that is just how it is. They are tired of paying for fuel, repairs, over priced vehicles. If the electric car ever gets marketed, it will reduce operating costs tremendously, and will be virtually maintenance free. You will need tires and windshield washer fluid every now and then, but that is about it. No oil changes, no antifreeze, no transmission maintenance, no internal combustion engine maintenance, etc. The only reason anyone ever gives for not being interested in an electric is “what if I want to take a long trip” My response is either drive your other car (most families have 2) or rent one. As often as most people “take long trips” it would be money way ahead to rent a vehicle that one time you need it per year. When the fuel stations start installing the quick charging stations it will charge your battery in about the same time it takes to fill a tank with fuel, about 10 minutes. I will charge mine at home in the garage.

Yes, Electric car is future. Because fuel prices increase day by day at same time pollution also increase. Electric cars is good option to solve this problems.