Windshield washer liquid pump with sprayer was an option on earlier models for the UK. Can’t recall exactly for what year I saw it in the sales brochures, might have been on 05 and up, possibly earlier.
Yes, windshield wipers are for visibility in the rain. Or as @JarJarJava mentioned getting caught driving through someones lawn when they have the sprinklers on.
A manual washer method requires ~ 2 cups of water. splash one cup of water on the windshield, turn on the wiper then dump the 2nd cup of water on it when the wiper at at the bottom of the cycle.
Maybe the wiper arm should be flipped around to the inside so when you are making motor sounds with your mouth it will wipe all the spittle off the glass.
There is something to that if you park your GEM outside and don’t have doors or a full cover. On some morning I am getting ‘rained on’ as water droplets which formed on the inside roof are dripping on me as I make turns and hit bumps. Wiping the inside of the windshield is often required. Spittle or no spittle.