Warp9 Performance graph question

This graph is for 72 volts. Can it somehow be interpolated to 144 volts?

Doubling the voltage will get you twice the torque at twice the amperage and a little less than twice the rpm. This equates to roughly 4X HP. This is hooked directly to the motor on a dyno with no controller.

Raising the voltage using a controller has a very intriguing effect on range. If you limit the current with the controller, you seem to get more range per pound of lead used for voltage than if the same amount of lead is used for capacity st s lower voltage. I think this is a characteristic of the PWM switching of the H bridge. Higher voltage gives a faster slew rate of the motor current resulting in a shorter duty cycle requirement.

Someone please jump in here if I am not describing this correctly…

Also regarding range, the greater the diameter of the motor, the higher the efficiency of the motor. You can get a lot more torque from an 11" motor than a 9" motor for the same current. Of course, the 11" costs ~2X the 9"…

[QUOTE=enganear;3635]Doubling the voltage will get you twice the torque at twice the amperage and a little less than twice the rpm. This equates to roughly 4X HP. This is hooked directly to the motor on a dyno with no controller.

Raising the voltage using a controller has a very intriguing effect on range. If you limit the current with the controller, you seem to get more range per pound of lead used for voltage than if the same amount of lead is used for capacity st s lower voltage. I think this is a characteristic of the PWM switching of the H bridge. Higher voltage gives a faster slew rate of the motor current resulting in a shorter duty cycle requirement.

Someone please jump in here if I am not describing this correctly…

Also regarding range, the greater the diameter of the motor, the higher the efficiency of the motor. You can get a lot more torque from an 11" motor than a 9" motor for the same current. Of course, the 11" costs ~2X the 9"…

Thanks for that explanation. Looking at the graph, the HP seems to be linear. Would that line continue in a linear fashion as voltage is raised? I’m trying to compare the performance of the Warp9 to the Advanced DC fb1 9" motor. Am I correct in thinking that the Warp9 has much more HP than the Advanced DC motor?

[QUOTE=MoparGarage;3641]Thanks for that explanation. Looking at the graph, the HP seems to be linear. Would that line continue in a linear fashion as voltage is raised? I’m trying to compare the performance of the Warp9 to the Advanced DC fb1 9" motor. Am I correct in thinking that the Warp9 has much more HP than the Advanced DC motor?[/QUOTE]

The way Net Gain explained it to me was that the ADC was better for stop and go and the WARP9 was better for highway. This tells me that the ADC probably has more turns of smaller wire than the WARP9 which results in a motor with more low end torque at a given amperage, but less efficiency at high speed because of the higher back EMF.

The EV Calculator always gave me better calculated range with the ADC than the Warp9.

HP is pretty useless for comparisons, it is torque that moves a car and amps that make torque. HP is just torque X rpm X a constant to get the units right.

[QUOTE=enganear;3644]The way Net Gain explained it to me was that the ADC was better for stop and go and the WARP9 was better for highway. This tells me that the ADC probably has more turns of smaller wire than the WARP9 which results in a motor with more low end torque at a given amperage, but less efficiency at high speed because of the higher back EMF.

The EV Calculator always gave me better calculated range with the ADC than the Warp9.

HP is pretty useless for comparisons, it is torque that moves a car and amps that make torque. HP is just torque X rpm X a constant to get the units right.

Ok thanks. One last question then. How does voltage come into play here? As I understand it, the ADC is limited to 144v while the Warp9 can be used at higher voltages. Can I gain a performance advantage by using the warp9 at 156 or 168 volts.

Thanks again enganear. You’ve been very helpful.

[QUOTE=MoparGarage;3645]Ok thanks. One last question then. How does voltage come into play here? As I understand it, the ADC is limited to 144v while the Warp9 can be used at higher voltages. Can I gain a performance advantage by using the warp9 at 156 or 168 volts.

Thanks again enganear. You’ve been very helpful.[/QUOTE]

If you use a controller like the Zilla (I am not sure about the Curtis line) , you can use a pack up to the rated voltage of the controller and then program the maximum limit of the motor into the controller. Generally, it is amps that kill motors by overheating. Heat is proportional to I^2 X resistance. Think of voltage as the pressure required to force the amps through the resistance.

Higher voltage gives better range up to the limit of the controller. Don’t worry too much about the motor voltage ratings.

In the world of combat robots we say “Volts or amps can kill a controller, but only amps can kill a motor.”