Wanting a magic magnet

Denise is my wife. If I can’t get the spoof not a problem

Magic magnet is on the way.

Can I get a tracking number please. Thank you


Ok got it thank you. Put it on and it went from 25mph to 32mph. The dip switches are “on-off-on”, if I adjust them can I get more speed?

Probably not, unless you feel it is still bouncing off the speed limiter. Check your tire pressures and make sure you are not dragging a brake. If you have any downhill runs, and it goes faster, then it is not the limiter.

Chances are that you are maxxed out on what your combination will give you. (Which I don’t think you stated)

Max speed is determined by tire size, gearbox ratio, motor rpm, controller programming, and available battery power.
The controller limits the speed to 24.

The MM simply raised the speed limiter number where it is above the normal car performance threshold but there is more to it than that. As you probably have read, it drops pulses from the speed sensor and fools the controller into thinking you are traveling slower that you actually are. The setting (1-3?) happens to supply the number of pulses that makes the dash display read fairly accurate again when switched to KPH. It is where most people leave it.

Do your calcs and see how high your motor RPM is at your top speed. Some motors will tolerate 6000, maybe 6500 but won’t be happy about it.
It is easy to run up to 7k on a good downhill run.

Is what it is :+1:thank you

2006 Gem e4. Is your product still available?

2002 gem 2 seat, Im also wanting a MM if it will help.

Have you read through this thread and fully understand what is involved here? (because there is a bunch of useful information if you scroll back up a bit)
Have you determined that your batteries and motor are up to the task?