Use for solar setup

I have 18 x 12s modules and 4 x 6s modules.

That would be 22 total, correct?
Then yes, 3 more.

Yes that’s correct. Thanks.

I have the 19 done. Parts will be here today.
Should I send the 19 first?

If you can so i can get started. Thanks

I have the other 3 done if you want them. Can’t go out until Monday.

I put the double 6s in boxes.
After connecting two 6s in series, one will be low and one hi.


19 are paid correct?

Thank you. Yes. The 19 are paid. Paying for the 3 now.

Will go out tomorrow.

Hello Dave,

I’ve received the parts. It looks amazing. I know i cant solder like that. I see that you have those male connectors on the board. What are they called? I would like to get some of those.

I’ll get you a link.

Thank very much. I will probably do this

Wires are not that hard to solder. Just stick through the hole and solder. Trim any extra.

Do I solder the B+ B- and T also?

T is not used. It’s the sensor lead.
I do B+ and B- even though the power cables make the same connection.

Hello Dave. Just wanted to give you an update. Here’s my soldering job. Not the best but works I hope. So about about to solder the 6s pack boards. When plug in the wiring. Where do I plug in the “6” cable since they are connected from board to board. I’ve posted the pic.

The two boards for the 6s are marked high and low.
Low outputs 1-6 and high 7-12.
After plugging them into the 6s modules, test voltages as you parallel the 6s to the 12s.
I have them marked, but that depends on them being connected to the correct module. High or low.