The Electric Car in 2017

Hi, Cleanenergy The electric EVette has carried as much as 1,350lbs of batteries, however at this time it has about 700lbs of batteries. This is a different animal, more batteries make it more stable. The car is only about a 1,000lbs. More batteries more distance simple, and its definitely fun to drive.

If as expected, battery packs become lighter over the years I’m sure that EV manufacturers will be able to find alternative weight replacements or simply add more batteries for greater distance?

Hi, Cleanenergy If batteries get lighter, and I`m sure they will, that would be great. The electric EVette would go a very long distance.
Tesla model X curb weight 5,380lbs, battery weight 1,200 lbs, vehicle weight 4,180lbs
Electric EVette curb weight 1,700lbs, battery weight 700lbs, vehicle weight 1,000lbs
If you compare battery weight to vehicle weight, a simple calculation will tell you the electric EVette would go over three times as far as the tesla. Tesla 230mi, EVette Over 700mi.
This is where people always get mad at me, but these are the facts.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Electric Evette Challenge!

The reason EV and other tech. isn’t mainstream is because of economics. We are simply entering a new era where there is an economy developing based on sale of electricity and lithium batteries. Way ahead of it’s time however is It’ll be intersting to see if they are even allowed to have a license in the States.