Steering wheel adapter

I have purchased an aftermarket steering wheel for my 2001 GEM E825, The adapter I purchased does not fit, I returned it and purchased another “GEM” adapter, it does not fit. I read if you cut the bottom off of the adapter it will fit, this did not work either, is there a special adapter for a 2001? The GEM spline has fine threading and the steering wheel is a 6 bolt.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

How big a hammer do you own?

I used this on Ted’s gem (2002) and my 2000 before selling it. The ezgo adapter. Steering Wheel Adapter | 5/6 Hole | Black | Golf Cart King

You have to cut off the bottom by 1/8 inch with a Dremel to fit

Big enough, I even tried a pneumatic impact hammer.

Did you have to cut the bottom? These all seem too long, and the threads are a little different.
I am buying it today. Thanks!

Yeah, cut off about 1/8 inch. It will hit the 2 bolts otherwise. it should sit on the spline fine after that.

If I recall, the plastic comes up enough that it will cover even a sloppy cut at the bottom.

Perfect, thanks! The first one I purchased must have had bad threads, they were marred up before trying to install.
