Starting my GEM LED light conversion - separate electrical system

Here is what I did for the underbody lights.
Let us know if you need some ideas/advise or do’s or dont’s

Under Body RGB light install V2

Also Lots of good threads and installs on this Fourm from other members becides me.

Here is the one thing holding me up now installing the new batteries. I had 2 of them fail when they were hooked up to the small post with the eyelet. They got too hot and one melted the post right out of the battery and I had to get towed home and the other had partially failed and the nut was welded to the post. I am re-doing all the wiring with these clams to clamp to the large terminal on the battery in hopes of spreading out the amps.

I have learned so much on this forum. I mistreated my batteries horribly, had the wrong profile on my delta Q and I’m really glad I already have disk brakes.

Man you are putting me to shame lol. My light bar is a 40$ return I got on amazon. I only paid 2500 fo my GEM and it was in Florida and isn’t the prettiest do Im going bargain basement on all these upgrades :wink: I am going to remount my light bar this week. I ordered rubber shims to make the mounting line up better with the roof. Will see how it urns out.

Just to be clear , not trying to put anyone to shame. Sorry if it came off that way, Just sharing info I know your new here and may not have seen all the build threads. Just trying to share some info. Hope the threads inspire or help ya

Grant, I was being tongue in cheek. I love what you have done and it’s inspiring. Please keep us updated with your excellence.

Power supply with charge cord and wiring harness.

Pro tip - Figure out the orientation and install these on the battery BEFORE you install the batts. Allen wrenching the cables in is a snap with the batteries installed, tightening the clamps on the terminals is impossible. Many cuss words later I learned this.

Another tip. I couldn’t get the logarithm changed using the “tap” method for the life of me. Delta Q technical support to the rescue. Its a four second tap, followed by one second taps then a 10 second tap to set it. Not 3 sends taps at all

80% complete - adding more L

Adding more LED light strips and a flux capacitor. And I am rewiring that light bar to its own circuit and switch. 20 amps.