Run 2002 Gem without charger installed?

I noticed that the gem needs the green and red wire to be plugged into the charger in order to run. Is there a way around this? I am sending my charger into Zivan to upgrade and was wondering if i could use the gem without it somehow. I was planning on individually charging the batts.

The red and green wires are the battery charger interlock. This connection serves to prevent one from driving away with the battery charger connected to line power. This is helpful because I have seen the charge cable torn right out of a Cushman Titan! Just splice the red and white together while your charger is out. In post liked below, I show how to use golf car chargers on a GEM as a booster.


awesome! i knew there had to be a way to do it. Thanks

I don’t have to unplug all the batteries to charge each one right? Just turn off the master disconnect?

You are correct, always open the master switch when using 12 volt chargers. There is no need to further isolate each battery if you charging one battery at a time. This can be a tiring process with six batteries. You can speed things up by using two seperate chargers and do two batteries at once. In this case, I would recommend that they be electrically isolated (disconnected from each other). For a small fee, Electric Conversions will “expedite” the repairs and programming on your NG1.
