eL run with charger removed?

I removed my Zivan NG1 charger and sent it to Electric Conversions in Sacramento, CA. Zivan Charger Sales & Service and GEM Charger Repair to have the micro update performed. Now the car won’t run nor will any functions work, lights, horn, etc. Is this normal? I would would have thought the charger is bridged on to the battery pack not wired in series. I don’t have a schematic of the car to see if there’s a way to jumper over the charger to get the functions to work.

On a side note, does anyone have a schematic for the entire car or know where I can get one? That would be a valuable tool to have.

Thanks for your time.


silly question did you recheck the connections, you before taking it out, not trying be a smart a__


I’m not sure which connections you’re referring to. The charger is still out of the circuit so all of the wires connected to it are just hanging.

Thanks for your quick response.

mine have only one plug and couple wires for the controller. did take any other wires off? i do not have any schematic tho sorry can not help much what year is your gem??

The wires on mine are a red, green with spade connectors, the five pin barrel connector for the temperature sensing and the A/C input. They’re all still not connected. I just got an e-mail from Electric Conversions and the charger is ready, they shipped it back today I should have it Monday. I’ll put it back in the circuit and all should be good.

Thanks for your response.


The GEM can be used with the charger removed. The two small wires connecting to the charger must be jumped together. Whenever we have a charger out for service, the GEM can still be used and charged each day. See my post below:



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Thanks for the reply, I kind of thought this could be done but being a new guy and not having a schematic of the GEM I didn’t want to just jump them and watch for smoke:D

Thanks for your time and quick response.


Paul… you are right smoke is not a good thing
