Replacement Charger Installation Help

Hello All,
I have a 2009 Gem e6 that came with a Quiq Delta Q charger that doesn’t appear to work anymore. I purchased a used Eagle Performance charger (model 7212) off of eBay to replace the Delta Q. I was hoping it would be a fairly straightforward process, but the Eagle charger only has a black and a white wire, while the old Delta Q has black, white, red, and green wires. I understand from reading previous posts that the red and the green wires are for the interlock. I’m fine if the interlock doesn’t work (I’ll just remember to unplug it), but I would like my charging display to work if possible.

Can anyone please give me basic instructions on how to install the Eagle charger? Should I leave the green and red wires connected to the Delta Q and leave the Delta Q installed and just cut the black and white wires from the Delta Q and connect them to the Eagle charger?

Any help is appreciated.

Part correct. The Red and black wires were your charging wires. These will be replaced by your black and white wires.

The green wire from your charger was your interlock wire. It provided B+ via an internal connection to the Red (where you got confused). This wire goes high when charger unplugged and low when car was plugged in.

That green wire connects to another Green wire going into your PSDM. This needs a B+ for the car to run. With the DQ unhooked/missing, the car thinks it is charging and will not let you drive.

To unlock this interlock, simply run the green wire to a B+ power source.

But it is not that simple. When car is charging, the car needs to see this interlock active. This is when the SOC meter pays attention to current flow into the battery and resets the Battery bar graph on the Dash Display.

So, install a switch on the green wire and manually flip it ON/OFF as part of your charging routine.

And Bob’s your uncle.

Thank you! I will give that a shot tomorrow and report back. I had one question, what does SOC stand for?

State Of Charge. It is a term used when describing how much charge might be contained in your battery pack.

One more question, what should I do with the white wire from the old Delta Q charger? Is it supposed to be connected to anything?

The white wire coming from the DQ is the Batt Temp Sense wire. It connects to an Orange/Gn wire that runs back to a temp sensor located on the B- post on the battery pack. The temp sensor is meant to tweak the charge profile depending on Battery temperature.

By switching from the DQ to your new charger (Eagle 7212), That white wire will no longer be in the system. (Having only two wires, your new charger does not sound like it uses Temp Sense).

I think what you are asking is what happens to the wire it was connected to? (which was orange).

A- It is no longer needed.

Thank you!
Just to check myself, the wire marked MC+ will serve as a B+ that I can connect the green wire to, correct?

Yes, as long as you are on the side of the MC the battery is on(not the controller) (it may be marked on both sides).

Since the Eagle only has black and white wires, you can connect those to the same wires from the Delta Q. For the red and green interlock wires, leaving them connected to the Delta Q should be fine if you’re okay with no interlock. Just remember to unplug, and you should be good to go.

I connected the green wire to MC+ here where it comes out of the braided bundle. (It’s the white wire with the yellow end on it.)

K- Does the car light up and go now?

Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. We went on vacation and then I got Covid. It seems to be working great. Thank you so much for the help!

One more question, as I was putting everything back together, the red/white wire got unplugged under the dash. The other end of this wire goes to the ebrake micro switch.

Can anyone please tell me where it gets plugged into? Thanks

Yes- It goes onto 6. 3 up from the bottom. Do not plug into the two bottom pins(A & B). Those are 72v.

It is actually a good idea to stick dummy connectors on those, just so you don’t push your wire on by accident.

So I’ve plugged the red/white wire back into S6, but I’m still not able to get the red brake light to go off. I’ve tested the ebrake micro switch and it’s working fine. I tested for voltage on S6 but didn’t get anything. Is it supposed to have voltage? If so, is there a fuse I should check.

The reason that I had the red / white wire unplugged was because I was trying to get my radio to work and thought I needed to connect the yellow wire to the battery using S6.

You are correct. The yellow wire(radio memory) needs to go to S6 and the Switched Radio should go to S1.
You will need to make a double pigtail/splitter to share this connection since there are usually other wires in these locations.

Yes- S6 should have +12v constant(unswitched) on it.
Measure using ChassGnd/Frame as reference. If no 12v, check your F10 fuse. (Bottom row, far right).

Note that S6 12v is active as long as the Main Disconnect switch is ON. It is normal/good practice to flip this switch to OFF when not using the car for a period of time to avoid draining your battery pack. This will also dump your radio memory. There is not an easy solution for this.

Thank you so much! The issue was the fuse holder on fuse 10. Once I tightened it up, everything worked great. I really appreciate your help!

Would an 8ah NC 110v coil relay be strong enough to use for the green wire to B+?

@kyle - Welcome to the group.

What exactly are you trying to do with the green wire?

That wire is your interlock output. It disables the car so you don’t drive off with the charge cord plugged in.

Output - Meaning, This wire has B+ on it when charger is NOT connected to a 120v AC source. This feeds into the PSDM on 05 → newer cars to power the key loop.
This applies to most of the normally wired DQ chargers. You cannot use the green wire for Gen 1 (00-04) Gem cars as the Key loop is wired different. You need to use a special configured charger on those cars, or get creative with the B+ wire. (Most people just forget about the interlock wire in that case)

What year car did you install this charger into?
Which charger are you using?

I have a 2020 GEM E2. I removed the original charger and batteries and installed Lithium. My charger just has the red and black. So the interlock is engaged because the green to green is not connected. I gathered from your comments earlier that the green needs to go to B+ but switched off when charging. I was going to use a relay, which is closed unless powered by 110v to connect the green to B+ so that when I plug the charger in, it disengages. I was just wondering if the load was light enough going from B+ to the green wire that an 8ah relay would work.