Not sure if this is where to ask, but

When trying to figure out the system to go with, which wears down the battery life faster; longer periods of higher RPMs or longer periods of higher loads per motor? I ask because I keep going back and forth between one big motor with a good torque conversion but higher loads or multiple motors with smaller loads, lower conversion but consistantly running at higher RPM. Then again, there are many options for both but I don’t want to run over my max characters per post limit so soon in the game :wink:

Thanks for any input.

from the sounds of it… sounds like it will be very close to the same. if not the more motors with the less charge will end up using more (more to feed)

if anything i would stick with one motor and have that one do all the work.

key thing to remember though… weight is your enemy.

key thing to remember though… weight is your enemy.[/QUOTE]

Therein lies my dilimna. I keep running numbers over and over and the weight keeps coming up so high so quickly. (I guess that’s what everyone’s problem is…) I keep leaning more and more towards a series hybrid to eliminate weight.

[QUOTE=hobbes28;1511]Therein lies my dilimna. I keep running numbers over and over and the weight keeps coming up so high so quickly. (I guess that’s what everyone’s problem is…) I keep leaning more and more towards a series hybrid to eliminate weight.[/QUOTE]

depends on the setup…

the biggest problem with EV’s is weight… biggest source of weight is batteries… what i’m figuring out how to do is get rid of batteries… thus problem solved. right now at the moment i’ve got roughly about 150HP out of i’ll just say alternative means ready to go to an electric motor/power the car. thats with using no batteries. BUT that total weight is 1,056lbs + weight of car + weight of electric motor. i’m hoping that once i customize some parts i’ll be able to cut off about a good 300 lbs.

I agree with Hobbs…that is what a real problem faced by most of the people

[QUOTE=hobbes28;1508]When trying to figure out the system to go with, which wears down the battery life faster; longer periods of higher RPMs or longer periods of higher loads per motor? I ask because I keep going back and forth between one big motor with a good torque conversion but higher loads or multiple motors with smaller loads, lower conversion but consistantly running at higher RPM. Then again, there are many options for both but I don’t want to run over my max characters per post limit so soon in the game :wink:

Thanks for any input.[/QUOTE]
High RPM’s in my experience [B]do not[/B] use more WATTS and so do not use up battery life. Too high RPM above rated revs on the motor, damage it, but high loads like acceleration like 0 to 50 mph or uphills will drain the pack. But steady at 50 mph on level the draw is not bad.