Nickel metal batteries


I am looking for a supplier of nickel zinc or nickel metal hydrate batteries and sofar I have not found any.
Do you know of any source in Canada or in the US.



Google your request. There are LO AMP versions available but I couldn’t find any of a capacity to operate a golf cart.

Lithium seems to be the flavor of the day.

[quote=OLD HOUSEBOATER;27890]Google your request. There are LO AMP versions available but I couldn’t find any of a capacity to operate a golf cart.

Lithium seems to be the flavor of the day.[/quote]

Thanks oldhouseboater,

After a few days on the web I believe that Nickel metal hydrate and nickel zinc batteries suitable for EVs are available yet hard to find. My understanding is that they are common place on hybrid vehicles and some plug-ins such as the Rav4 toyota. For us DYselvers access to these does not seem to be easy as manufacturers look down on us as a market. I have not given up hopes yet. For instance, Panasonic I noticed has a 100A Nickel metal battery that weighs 23 kg. PowerGenix it seems makes a 85 AH battery that weighs 15 lbs. What interests me in Nickel batteries is that they are almost half the weight of lead batteries which makes them suitable for DY EVs. They also do not have the safety issues that Lithium batteries seem to have. As for the cost I don’t know yet. I suspect that they are more expensive than lead acid but less than Lithium ones .:).