New E825 Owner. Need advice and tires

I have 2001 4 seater. E825. 6 Trojans.

New to this forum.


Can I replace the 3.5HP with 5HP gem motor from 2002 and later?

What is the verdict on Tires and Rims? I have called several places including buggies unlimited and they are clueless on what fits a gem. Should I stay with 12 inch rims? Where can I order a full set that will not rub?

The 5 hp motor, part number 0613-00248 used prior to 2005 is a direct replacement. You can tell a 2004 and older motor because the tag will say “made in USA”. The 2005 and newer motors will say “made in China.” The newer ones may fit,but I know the older one does. Either way, you will need the rubber bumper, part number 0313-00168 anytime the motor is taken off.
