Need help identifying plug

Can anyone help me please identify what this plug might be for on a 2002 gem car. Found it underneath the cover when I replaced the charger. Thanks

Actually there are 2 plugs in the picture the smaller round one and the white square one. Thanks

Round plug
Look on top of the Xivan charger. The round one contains your LED/temp sensor.

Flat plug
It is tough to tell from your pic. Get a better pic of the plug end and maybe the wire colors.
Let it run naturally and position in within it’s radius while looking for it’s mate. Sometimes it will show you where it needs to go.

It sorta looks like it also wants to go on top of the charger but I’m not sure why that many wires need to go there. Plus- they are the wrong colors.

What else have you been working on?
What doesn’t work?

Tip → Next time before you take something apart take a bunch of pics so you know where everything went.

Throttle maybe? Does the car work?

Nice thought. Throttle pedal needs 5 wires tho.

Scanning the wiring diagram I see a 4 wire connection heading to the headlights with a purple and a black, but no org wires.

The plug pattern might help. I see 4 inline in one row. Are they pins? or spades? Hard to tell.

Turn the car on.
See what doesn’t work.
Plug that flat plug there.
That’ll be $50 please.
You’re welcome.


These wires were unplugged under the cover. Everything seems to work could one of them be the heater There is a heater box upfront under the cover but I don’t see any switches for it

Could be. My diagram does not show the heater option on early cars.

Is there anything on the dash(upper or lower) that this plug might go to? (assuming yours is off and leaning against the wall)

If the DC-DC converter recall update was performed, they might have left off a feature which their new converter didn’t support.

Have you not followed where those wires in that connector go to?

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Did your gem originally have a Schott charger? They had some extra wiring that the Zivan didn’t use.

Have you not followed where those wires in that connector go to?

Because that would make too much sense. Something so obvious that even I forgot to suggest it.

You’re fired.


Dead and Fired now?
This has not been a good week to stop drinking.

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I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue

I followed it back through the front wall into a harness hard to tell where it goes from there maybe the-heater? Just can’t find the other end anywhere nearby thanks for the info

  • Better pic of plug?
  • Pins/Spades?
  • Wire colors?
  • What wires are at the heater? Same amount? Colors?
  • Follow the harness and look for where one or more of the unique colors come out.

Pretty sure it’s the heater switch . Any idea where I can find one?

It is my belief that your car originally had a Schott charger- the plug went to the bottom connection before the charger was replaced