Is Porsche about to wipe out Tesla?

Interesting article:-

Porsche’s Tesla Model S killer is officially on the way - Business Insider


Everybody has an 800 volt charging port hanging loose in their garage. However if you can afford a Porsche you should be able to handle the electrical service.

There are many things possible however IMHO progress will be made, for you and me, by people like Nissan, Toyota, Fiat, Renault, GM etc. They will build the EV products that we can afford to drive. Facilities to support them won’t break the bank for us either,

IMHO the next wave of affordable EV’s is coming from China. At the present time Small EV’s as well as scooters NEV’s and small road cars are growlng in popularity there, at a very rapid rate. These vehicles will be imported, with increasing frequency, in the very near future.

Tell us your thoughts.