How to Make Gem E6 Faster than 25mph?

Are you up for selling a kit yet?
I’m close but don’t have time for support right now.

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I will be receiving my new 2023 E4 soon and looking to increase speed. Is there a kit available yet?

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Yes Sending you a dm with options

You might want to drive your new car around a bit and see if anything shakes loose.

I’m not sure what gabe has cooked up lately but most of the mods performed here may void your warranty before the “NEW” smell fades away.

That’s true, but not anymore :wink:


Dave, I would like to purchase a MM for my 2002 GEM e4. Please LMK the best way to purchase one from you. Elliott Tobias.

$135 with a note.

Hi Dave, I’d like to buy a mm for my 2013 gem 6 seater 72v 7hp. Let me know availability, cost and options on how to pay.


Thank you. PayPal sent with shipping address. First time using paypal and this forum, let me know if anything else is needed.

I just purchased a 2017 Gem E4. Will the MM work with my cart? If so do you have available? If so I would like to buy one.

No- the MM is for Sepex motor systems only.
Your 17 cart is probably AC drive. There are other methods you need to do.

You’ll need it to be reprogrammed or SpeedBX