How do you register EV conversions with DMV?

As my title says so, I was wondering how do you register an EV conversion with the DMV?. I have recently started my research and I am thinking which car would make the best donor. I understand S10 are good donor trucks but I am concern with registration and smog checks. I live in California and I believe all vehicles older than 1974 do not require smog checks anymore, so do I need to get a donor vehicle older than 1974 or how do you deal with this registration issues?

Thank you

I believe in California they are registered as a NEV No Emissions Vehicle.

[QUOTE=new dawn;3899]I believe in California they are registered as a NEV No Emissions Vehicle.[/QUOTE]

NEV = Neighborhood Electric Vehicle, 25mph or below.

Sorry my bad, I am a little rusty or senileā€¦LOL LOL LOL
Zero emissions Vehicle:eek:

seems to me that if a state still required a smog check for an EV, it would pass with flying colors :wink:

Yes it may pass a smog test but seems like they also have rules about altering any smog equipment. So you my have to be recertified or something if you are in a smog check state.