How many cells is he using ? what will be max charge voltage ?
24 cells. @drbriney. Do you know what your charger is set to stop at? 96v?
Hi Michael.
Thank you for your help.
I am running 2 chevy volt batteries (each is the 48V, 50ah). I placed a Victron 512 battery monitor on it from the shunt. Originally when first hooked up…the monitor said 98Volts with error code on controller -16. After having lights on for 12 hours…finally found the magic number at 86V before the error code went away.
Driving strong.
Would love reconnendations
I use 15v spoof myself. 2 x 7.5v. But 10 or 12 may be ok too.
2 questions . Can you adjust charger voltages ? Is it a T2 controller ?
I can build you a 13.5v to give you a little room . It is what I run in mine 96.7v , T5 .
Thank you for your response.
As you can tell from my posts…I am quit the amateur when it comes to the Lithium discussion and setup.
Bottom line is that I want to get the most out of my batteries when it comes to distance and speed.
We live at the beach and drive it on PCH usually around 10 miles round trip each time. Also, 40 miles an hour consistently would also be ideal.