Gem eL XD... shortening wheel base...

Well I was curious so I disconnected the sensor. :slight_smile:
It moves forward with it disconnected but barely. It’s a snail’s crawl. Working perfectly fine after reconnecting it. :smiley:

Have you started cutting yet.
Want to trade for a short one?
Or sell it?

Haven’t started cutting yet, got distracted by a pregnancy and new baby (now 6 weeks old).

Still planning to do it, sometime in the next few months hopefully.

I would trade it for a shorter one, but am not interested in selling as we use it almost every day.


They look so cute with the short wheel base. I’m a fan of the white we currently have though as it matches with our RV and truck colors and company logo (Black and white), unfortunately blue does not, sorry.

I guess we could wrap it, but no idea what that would cost. I wonder what exchange shipping would be too? I like the idea of swapping, but not sure it makes financial sense for either of us.

Probably not a good idea. Mine is new, and I do kind of like it. A truck is more useful to me, which had me thinking.

The truck is awesome for some things, and a PITA for others. The turning circle of it is quite bad, but carrying stuff is great. Eventually once I do the cut and shut I’ll have both options :slight_smile: