EZ Steer Help for 05 e4

Does anyone make EZ Steer units for an 05 e4? I spoke with one gentleman and he is swamped till this fall with other things. Thanks

You can make the steering on your 05 easyer by simply extending the leverage where the tie rods connect to the spindles. They already have these but if you make them longer it will give you more leverage and make the stearing easyer. I’m not sure Rodney still makes the Easy steer[quote=“Nrapp33, post:1, topic:12138, full:true”]
Does anyone make EZ Steer units for an 05 e4? I spoke with one gentleman and he is swamped till this fall with other things. Thanks


I’m a Neophyte who just acquired an "03 E 825 Long Bed in need of total restoration.
No fool like an old retired fool fighting cancer, I’m totally into it, and hope to complete it in time for my daughters to enjoy. They are enamored with Tessla, and very electric vehicle savvy.

We live in the foothills below Yosemite National Park, and like your area, we have to navigate lots of fairly steep hills.Reading your posts, and what you did to overcome the GEM’s limitations inspired us to tackle it, and refocusing on this project has brought joy back to life.

More to the point, I communicate briefly with Rodney, who as you no doubt already know, moved to a home that does not allow manufacturing. So after the NEV disk brake conversion, our second priority, EZ Steering has floundered. Hoping you may have a viable alternative?

Thank you again for sharing your passionate dedication to these little GEMS.

Tom, Alana, & Evana Holden

Here is what Gem did they added “a block” to the spindle that changes the angle of how the tie rod attaches to the spindle. It also gives the rack more leverage making your steering easier I know that if you increase the size of this block giving you more leverage you could a easily make your steering easier for very cheap


You can see if you were to remove the block. The tie rod would mount in the hole that holds the block on. Either get 2 of these or make some of your own.


Are there any disadvantages to doing this?



Yes you have to get dirty


Haha nice. No issues in the vein like putting bigger wheels adds strain on your motor going up hill?

This is easier on the rack. I see no downside except slower steering. Possible larger turning radius if it runs out of stroke.
Grant would know.