Everyone's favorite subject: Batteries

I’ve been looking at different batteries and types for when my L.A. batteries take a dump on me. Several different suppliers of lithium batteries and they all have one thing in common. High priced. I like the car, but I am not dumping 3000 bucks into a 1000 dollar glorified golf cart. So … I can get 150 ah 12volt lithium batteries direct from the manufacturer for 175 bucks each. The problem is that the nobody will support more than 4 connected in series and I need 6 for my gem. Does anyone have any ideas around the BMS s so that I could connect 6 on series? I would prefer this so as there would be no car modifications, no loss of turf mode and a reasonable cost. Any ideas??

Hey, if you can do what you want for cheaper, then by all means- go for it. There are many threads posted of people doing same-same.
Do your research. Look for those good reports and possibly take from their experience to build your pack. Be prepared to tinker with your car a bit if there are unforseen issues.

What I don’t see much of is these same people coming back after 6/12/24 mos with status reports on how well they are doing. What usually happens is the car works good enough and they never come back with final report.

Realize that those that are selling those 3k packs have done countless hours of research, and have spent way more than that on battery systems that DO NOT work. That high price you are paying for is reflected in a product that works, but you are also paying for experience and support. To some, that is well worth the high price.

But, what would you do for a Klondike bar?