EV Troubles

An EV was given to me by a friend and while on vacation, the car was broken into and the front two accessory batteries were taken…
When I replaced the batteries, the car still would not start…
I replaced the batteries that died, but still… nothing…

Everything seems to be ok with the voltage across the contactor, but when I turn the key, there’s no clunk…

Pictures by 9gagfan6 - Photobucket
here are the pictures of the wiring…

I figured there’s a break in the circuit somewhere and I was told that by finding out which wires connect to which batteries, I’d sooner find the problem

so I checked the blacks wires on the contactor
the two large black cables on the left of the contactor enter the car and connect straight to the battery pack in the back of the car…

Now the black and red wires on the right side…

they go from the back to the front of the car in the middle as shown

what’s odd is that the the red and black wires, though they connect to the batteries in the front,
dont connect to anything in the back…
the ends of the black and red wire are covered with blue electrical tape

I feel that something is missing and that those wires are supposed to connect to something…

Is it possible that when the front batteries were stolen, the thieves took something from the back or disconnected the wires to prevented being shocked?

I’m a little scared to connect those red and black wires to something as I may kill myself or the car :frowning:

help please!

Very confusing1

sorry about the bad links!

My friend said that he did not disconnect the cables.

Pictures by 9gagfan6 - Photobucket
that is the link for the pictures

so I checked the blacks wires on the contactor
the two large black cables on the left of the contactor enter the car and connect straight to the battery pack in the back of the car…

Now the black and red wires on the right side…

they go from the back to the front of the car in the middle as shown

what’s odd is that the the red and black wires, though they connect to the batteries in the front,
dont connect to anything in the back…
the ends of the black and red wire are covered with blue electrical tape

sorry for the confusion!
I’ll be sure to not post replies and threads so soon after waking up next time!