eMPG = electric (equivalent) Miles Per Gallon

Based on electricity at $.11/kWh and gasoline at $4/gallon, my modified eZip gets between 1500 and 2500 eMPG!
Dependent on speed and terrain, of course.
20mph commuting vs 16 mph “cruise” mode.

[quote=Dr Kangel;17104]eMPG = electric (equivalent) Miles Per Gallon

Based on electricity at $.11/kWh and gasoline at $4/gallon, my modified eZip gets between 1500 and 2500 eMPG!
Dependent on speed and terrain, of course.
20mph commuting vs 16 mph “cruise” mode.[/quote]

Fortunately, I live within 50 miles of Niagara Falls - hydroelectric supply.
Possibly, even better, our surrounding hills have been slated for wind power generation.

Besides increased range and durability …
I dumped SLA and went Lithium Cobalt for more reasons:

SLA loses energy as waste heat during charging.
10Ah SLA, discharged in 1/2hr, only outputs 5Ah = 50% wasted energy!
Lithium Cobalt battery of the same size has 6x the usable output as SLA.
SLA is heavy, almost 10x the weight per usable Ah.

Oh … and I build my Lithium Ion packs using recycled laptop cells.
Dirt cheap if found in bulk and typically with a decent percentage of very good condition cells.