Electric Vehicle Conversion Lecture & Demo. San Luis Obispo (Central Coast), CA

Hello, folks. The following event will take place in San Luis Obispo (Central Coast), CA. It is free and open to all interested parties; registration is required.

* Could your car be converted to run on batteries instead of gas?
* Would it provide the speed and range you need?
* How hard is it to convert?
* What does it cost to convert and operate an electric car?

These questions and others will be answered during a one-day workshop held on Saturday, October 6th from 10am to 6pm on the Cal Poly campus.

The early portion of the talk will cover general information about conversions - cost, performance, environmental issues, etc. Then speaker Mike Brown of Electro Automotive will get into the nuts and bolts, from choosing a suitable chassis, stripping it, installing the components and wiring, to charging, maintenance, and driving techniques. A factory electric Toyota RAV4 and a converted Fiat X1/9 will be on hand as demo vehicles. This event is free and open to the public but registration is required. For more info or to register, visit www.c-5.org or call Alex at (805) 781-4654 or email abugrov@co.slo.ca.us.

I wish I lived closer :frowning:

:slight_smile: do you think we could get one of those done here in st.louis mo. ? if so gimme the names ofthe people and i’ll work everything else out. thanks.